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24 mentions found

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Invitație pentru depunerea cererii la lista de furnizori pentruWorld Vision Moldova. Data-limită pentru depunerea cererii: 19 Iulie 2024, ora 17:00World Vision Moldova (WVM) invită firmele/persoanele fizice calificate care furnizează unul sau mai multe produse/servicii, așa cum sunt enumerate mai jos. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. version:Invitation for Application for Supplier Roster with World Vision Moldova. Application Submission Deadline: 19 July 2024, 17.00 o’clockWorld Vision Moldova (WVM) is inviting invites qualified firms/individuals who provide one or more commodities as listed below. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future.
Persons: Submitting, Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, Moldova World Vision, Națională Economică, Moldovei, PNUD, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, Digital, Moldova National Economic, World Locations: Vision Moldova, Moldova, Moldovei, future, families
Invitație pentru depunerea cererii la lista de furnizori pentruWorld Vision Moldova. Data-limită pentru depunerea cererii: 12 Iulie 2024, ora 17:00World Vision Moldova (WVM) invită firmele/persoanele fizice calificate care furnizează unul sau mai multe produse, așa cum sunt enumerate mai jos. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. for Application for Supplier Rosterwith World Vision Moldova. Application Submission Deadline: 12 July 2024, 17.00 o’clockWorld Vision Moldova (WVM) is inviting invites qualified firms/individuals who provide one or more commodities as listed below. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future.
Persons: Submitting, Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, Moldova World Vision, Națională Economică, Moldovei, PNUD, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, Digital, Moldova National Economic, World Locations: Vision Moldova, Moldova, Moldovei, future, families
Astfel de invitație va depinde de evaluarea WVM a experienței companiei, abilității sale de a furniza/efectua, solidaritatea financiară, precum și de relevanța bunurilor sau serviciilor oferite. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. Version:Invitation for Application for Supplier Roster with World Vision Moldova. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future. Transportation servicesbus/minivans inside the countrySubmitting a completed application does not guarantee that a Supplier/Vendor will be invited to tender. Such invitation will depend on WVM evaluation of a company's experience, its ability to supply/perform, financial soundness as well as the relevance of the goods or services offered.
Persons: Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, future, families
Invitație pentru depunerea cererii la lista de furnizori pentruWorld Vision Moldova. Data-limită pentru depunerea cererii: 05 Iulie 2024, ora 17:00World Vision Moldova (WVM) invită firmele/persoanele fizice calificate care furnizează unul sau mai multe produse, așa cum sunt enumerate mai jos. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. Ver:Invitation for Application for Supplier Roster with World Vision Moldova. Application Submission Deadline: 05 July 2024, 17.00 o’clockWorld Vision Moldova (WVM) is inviting invites qualified firms/individuals who provide one or more commodities as listed below. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future.
Persons: Submitting, Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, Moldova World Vision, Națională Economică, Moldovei, PNUD, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, Digital, Moldova National Economic, World Locations: Vision Moldova, Moldova, Moldovei, future, families
Invitație pentru depunerea cererii la lista de furnizori pentruWorld Vision Moldova. Data-limită pentru depunerea cererii: 28 Iunie 2024, ora 17:00World Vision Moldova (WVM) invită firmele/persoanele fizice calificate care furnizează unul sau mai multe produse, așa cum sunt enumerate mai jos. Astfel de invitație va depinde de evaluarea WVM a experienței companiei, abilității sale de a furniza/efectua, solidaritatea financiară, precum și de relevanța bunurilor sau serviciilor oferite. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. version:Invitation for Application for Supplier Roster with World Vision Moldova. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future.
Persons: June, Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, Moldovei, Chisinau, trees, shrubs, Moldova, families
Astfel de invitație va depinde de evaluarea WVM a experienței companiei, abilității sale de a furniza/efectua, solidaritatea financiară, precum și de relevanța bunurilor sau serviciilor oferite. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. version:Invitation for Application for Supplier Roster with World Vision Moldova. Application Submission Deadline: 28 June 2024, 17.00 o’clockWorld Vision Moldova (WVM) is inviting invites qualified firms/individuals who provide one or more commodities as listed below. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future. Design elaboration, manufacture and installation works for kitchen furnitureinside Republic of Moldova (Chisinau municipality and outside)Submitting a completed application does not guarantee that a Supplier/Vendor will be invited to tender.
Persons: June, Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova, families
Astfel de invitație va depinde de evaluarea WVM a experienței companiei, abilității sale de a furniza/efectua, solidaritatea financiară, precum și de relevanța bunurilor sau serviciilor oferite. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. Version:Invitation for Application for Supplier Roster with World Vision Moldova. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future. Transportation servicesbus/minivans inside the countrySubmitting a completed application does not guarantee that a Supplier/Vendor will be invited to tender. Such invitation will depend on WVM evaluation of a company's experience, its ability to supply/perform, financial soundness as well as the relevance of the goods or services offered.
Persons: June, Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, future, families
Astfel de invitație va depinde de evaluarea WVM a experienței companiei, abilității sale de a furniza/efectua, solidaritatea financiară, precum și de relevanța bunurilor sau serviciilor oferite. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. Version:Invitation for Application for Supplier Roster with World Vision Moldova. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future. Submitting a completed application does not guarantee that a Supplier/Vendor will be invited to tender. Such invitation will depend on WVM evaluation of a company's experience, its ability to supply/perform, financial soundness as well as the relevance of the goods or services offered.
Persons: Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, future, markets, families
Nature of the consultancy Return and reintegration national consultantThe overall task of the incumbent will be supporting the Diaspora Relations Bureau return and reintegration sub-programs of the Diaspora Engagement Hub by providing day by day case management, stakeholders engagement, visibility, strategic and operational expertise to promote and facilitate the temporary and permanent return and professional reintegration of Moldovan overseas graduates, Moldovan diaspora and highly skilled returning professionals. This sub-program will promote and facilitate the temporary and permanent return and professional reintegration of Moldovan overseas graduates and the engagement of highly skilled diaspora members. Taking into account the visibility requirements of donor and MMPTF Programme, ensure appropriate visibility and reflection in the media of the program;15. Based on filled-in monitoring surveys, draft an assessment reports on the impact of the prorgamme on both the beneficiaries integration and advancement of the activities of the hots institutions;19. Taking into account the visibility requirements of donor and MMPTF Programme, ensure appropriate visibility and reflection in the media of the program;15.
Persons: DEH, Organizations: United Nations, UN, IOM, Diaspora Relations Bureau, Moldovan, Organization for Migration, NBS, UN DESA, Moldovan Government, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Swiss Development Cooperation Agency, SDC, Diaspora Relations, Partner Trust, UNDP, UNICEF, WHO, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Labor, Social Protection, Ministry of Health, State University of Pharmacy, Medicine, – Moldovan, Organizational Department, Unit, Mission, Diaspora and Relations Bureau, State Chancellery, IOM Moldovan Migration Locations: Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, Moldovan, EU, Moldova, Moldovan Government, UN Moldova
Contractanți pentru lucrări de construcție și reparație, întreținerea și repararea încăperilor, găuri de sondă, construcții de bazineMateriale de construcție. Astfel de invitație va depinde de evaluarea WVM a experienței companiei, abilității sale de a furniza/efectua, solidaritatea financiară, precum și de relevanța bunurilor sau serviciilor oferite. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. Version:Invitation for Application for Supplier Roster with World Vision Moldova. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future. Submitting a completed application does not guarantee that a Supplier/Vendor will be invited to tender.
Persons: Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, future, repair, Boreholes, families
Servicii de transport (arendarea automobilelor, camioanelor și a altor vehicule, vânzarea biletelor de avion)Servicii de curierat internațional și naționalProvizii de ajutor (prelate, pleduri de lână, frânghii, surse luminoase de urgență, etc.) Astfel de invitație va depinde de evaluarea WVM a experienței companiei, abilității sale de a furniza/efectua, solidaritatea financiară, precum și de relevanța bunurilor sau serviciilor oferite. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. Version:Time Extended:Invitation for Application for Supplier Roster with World Vision Moldova. Hotel Service (For residential workshops, accommodation and one day seminars)Contractors for construction works, and repair, building maintenance and repair,Boreholes,Pond construction. Consultancy services to conduct end line, mid-line, base-line surveys, research works etc.
Persons: Submitting, Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, future, Laptops, letterhead, supply, Table, chairs, repair, Boreholes, facilitators, families
Servicii de transport (arendarea automobilelor, camioanelor și a altor vehicule, vânzarea biletelor de avion)Servicii de curierat internațional și naționalProvizii de ajutor (prelate, pleduri de lână, frânghii, surse luminoase de urgență, etc.) Astfel de invitație va depinde de evaluarea WVM a experienței companiei, abilității sale de a furniza/efectua, solidaritatea financiară, precum și de relevanța bunurilor sau serviciilor oferite. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future. Hotel Service (For residential workshops, accommodation and one day seminars)Contractors for construction works, and repair, building maintenance and repair,Boreholes,Pond construction. Consultancy services to conduct end line, mid-line, base-line surveys, research works etc.
Persons: Submitting, Christian Organizations: Vision, tender, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, future, Laptops, letterhead, supply, Table, chairs, repair, Boreholes, facilitators, families
Primește notificări pe email Nota bene: Adresele email cu extensia .ru nu sunt acceptate. Contractare și Achiziție Bunuri Anunțuri de Angajare Granturi - Finanțări Burse de studiu Stagii Profesionale Oportunități de voluntariat Toate Articolele
- Partial quotations are not accepted- The contract will be signed with the company that will offer the most competitive prices, delivery terms and more supporting documents (ex. ISO certificates, conformity certificates, experience proof, specs sheet etc.) - Oferte parțiale nu sunt acceptate- Contractul va fi semnat cu compania care va oferi cele mai competitive preturi, termeni de livrare si documente suport (ex. certificate ISO, certificate conformitate, dovada experienței, table cu specificatii)- Companiile contractate vor asigura aplicarea stickerelor oferite de UNICEF pe ambalajele produselor înainte de livrare. Anunul publicat il puteti gasi aici:
UNICEF Moldova invites interested companies to submit quotations for “Air conditioning equipment for 38 locations, with installation services”To submit your quotation for the bidding please fill, sign and send the following attachments:“Quotation Form” (Pages 1 - 6 from LRFQ-2023-9182471 document)“Price offer” Annex B“LRFQ-2023-9182471” and “Annex B” are attached to this tender announcementPlease submit your signed quotation to the following address: chisinautenders@unicef.orgSOLICITATION DEADLINES17 May 2023, 11:00 - deadline for bid clarifications (clarification mail may to be sent at, subject of the message „LRFQ-2023-9182471”)19 May 2023, 11:00 - deadline for submitting the bid - Late offers will be rejectedIMPORTANT:- Bids should be valid for a period of not less than one hundred and twenty (120) days after the Submission Deadline. - Delivery and installation term within 21 days from contract signature date at locations mentioned in Annex C- Partial quotations are not accepted- The contract will be signed with the company that will offer the most competitive prices, delivery term and more supporting documents (ex. ISO certificates, conformity certificates, experience proof, specs sheet etc.) certificate ISO, certificate conformitate, dovada experienței, tabela specificațiilor)- Companiile contractate vor asigura aplicarea stickerelor oferite de UNICEF pe ambalajele produselor înainte de livrare. Anunul publicat il puteti gasi aici:
Primește notificări pe email Nota bene: Adresele email cu extensia .ru nu sunt acceptate. Contractare și Achiziție Bunuri Anunțuri de Angajare Granturi - Finanțări Burse de studiu Stagii Profesionale Oportunități de voluntariat Toate Articolele
UNICEF Moldova invites interested companies to submit their proposals for signature of Long-Term Agreements for Services (LTA-S) for Provision of Design, Multimedia, Printing, Branding and Promo Services. The purpose of this exercise is to sign several LTAs to support UNICEF Moldova Country Office with provision of high-quality services including design and production of printed, photo, video and audio materials, events management, branding indoor/outdoor promotion, including delivery, installation and dismantling of promotional materials. Note: LTAs will be open for use by other United Nations Agencies Offices which will be entitled to place contracts under the conditions of the LTAs signed as a result of this exercise. The deadline for receipt of any questions is Wednesday, 22 March 2023, 17:00 (EET). Please find additional details on the assignment and how to apply in the Terms of References enclosed in the RFPS document.
UNICEF Moldova invites interested companies to submit quotations for 43 Business laptops and 43 multifunction printersTo submit your quotation for the bidding please fill, sign and send the following attachments:“Quotation Form” (Pages 1-3 from LRFQ-2022-9180276 document)“Price Quotation” – Annex B“LRFQ-2022-9180276” and “Annex B” are attached to this tender announcementPlease submit your signed quotation to the following address: chisinautenders@unicef.orgSOLICITATION DEADLINES27 December 2022, 11:00 - deadline for bid clarifications (clarification mail may to be sent at, subject of the message „LRFQ-2022-9180276”)29 December 2022, 11:00 - deadline for submitting the bid - Late offers will be rejectedIMPORTANT:- Bids should be valid for a period of not less than one hundred and twenty (120) days after the Submission Deadline. - Delivery term within 21 days from contract signature date - DAP Chisinau- Partial quotations are not accepted. - The contract will be signed with the company that will offer the most competitive prices, meet technical specification, on the condition of delivery and unloading the lot at the beneficiary institution. - The contracted companies will ensure the application of the stickers offered by UNICEF on the packaging of the products before delivery. Anuntul publicat il puteti gasi aici:
UNICEF Moldova invites interested companies to submit quotations for 10 Business laptops and 10 multifunction printersTo submit your quotation for the bidding please fill, sign and send the following attachments:“Quotation Form” (Pages 1-4 from RFQ document)“Price Quotation” – Annex B“LRFQ-2022-9180043” and “Annex B” are attached to this tender announcementPlease submit your signed quotation to the following address: chisinautenders@unicef.orgSOLICITATION DEADLINES12 December 2022, 11:00 - deadline for bid clarifications (clarification mail may to be sent at, subject of the message „LRFQ-2022-9180043”)14 December 2022, 11:00 - deadline for submitting the bid - Late offers will be rejectedIMPORTANT:- Bids should be valid for a period of not less than one hundred and twenty (120) days after the Submission Deadline- Delivery term within 21 days from contract signature date, DAP (Ungheni and Cahul)- Partial quotations are not accepted- The contract will be signed with the company that will offer the most competitive prices, on the condition of delivery and unloading the lot at the beneficiary institutions- The contracted companies will ensure the application of the stickers offered by UNICEF on the packaging of the products before deliveryThis advertisement is published at: Moldova invita companiile interesate sa participe la concursul de achiziție pentru 10 laptopuri si 10 imprimante multifunctionalePentru a aplica la tenderul vă rugăm să trimiteți următoarele atașamente completate si semnate:„Informații generale” (Paginile 1-4 din LRFQ-2022-9180043)„Oferta de preț” – Anex BFișierele „LRFQ-2022-9180043” si „Annex B” sunt atașate la acest anunțModalitate de aplicare doar prin email la adresa: chisinautenders@unicef.orgTermenii limita12 decembrie 2022, 11:00 – termen limita pentru acordarea mesajelor de clarificare (adresa, cu subiectul mesajului „LRFQ-2022-9180043”)14 decembrie 2022, 11:00 – termen limita pentru depunerea ofertelor - Ofertele recepționate după ora indicate vor fi respinseIMPORTANT- Validitatea ofertei trebuie sa fie de cel puțin 120 de zile de la ziua depunerii- Livrarea se va face timp de 21 zile după semnarea contractului, condiția de livrare – DAP (Ungheni and Cahul)- Oferte parțiale nu sunt acceptate- Contractul va fi semnat cu compania care va oferi preturile cele mai competitive pentru produsele solicitate, cu condiția livrării si descărcării la toate instituțiile beneficiare- Companiile contractate vor asigura aplicarea stickerelor oferite de UNICEF pe ambalajele produselor înainte de livrareAnunul publicat il puteti gasi aici:
UNICEF ITB 9168242, cleaning and hygiene supplies
  + stars: | 2021-07-01 | by ( Alte Articole | )   time to read: +5 min
Modalitatea de expediere a ofertei:Prin email, la adresa In plic sigilat, la receptia Casei ONU, str.31 August, nr. UNICEF Moldova invites interested companies to submit their bids for hygiene, sanitary and cleaning supplies and consumables: hand sanitizer, handwash liquid soap, surface disinfectant, toilet paper, trash bags, household gloves, paper towels, liquid bleach, WC cleaner, hands cream, diapers, toothpaste, toothbrushes, as per the attached ITB. Please find in the attached document details regarding the requirements and conditions for the products and suppliers. Any questions can be addressed to Elena Griu at 48 hours before the tender deadline the latest. This advertisement and the relevant supporting documents is available at UNDP Moldova | Tender: UNICEF ITB 9168242, cleaning and hygiene supplies
Persons: August, Elena Griu Organizations: UNICEF Moldova, ONU, UNICEF, Tender Locations: Chisinau, permisurile, and, cream, diapers, toothpaste, Bidders, Moldova, cleaning and
Marea provocare a fondatorilor a fost să obțină autorizație pentru munca artizanală pe care o realizează. Neclară a fost și forma juridică sub care urmau să-și desfășoare activitatea. „Un producător artizanal nu poate să lucreze după standardele fabricilor mari. „În spațiul nostru post-sovietic ne-am obișnuit cu faptul că pâinea trebuie să fie accesibilă sau gratuită. Dorina a aderat la „Zona Zero” fiindcă a găsit aici mai mulți producători care fac lucrurile la vedere, legal.
Persons: Dorina Baciu, Natalia, Advertisement, Dorina, Valeriu, Cocea, Natalia ., Dorina ., Dorina Baciu ., autoarei Organizations: Zero, Fundației Soros Moldova Locations: Moldova, maia, Căpriana, Sadaclia, Basarabeasca, Chișinău, Italia, R.Moldova, sovietic
În mai 2019, guvernul ucrainean a adoptat o nouă ortografie care, printre multe alte lucruri, a „legalizat” feminitivele. Feminitivele nu sunt nici o revoluție – putem găsi exemple în cărți scrise încă în secolele XI și XII, potrivit lingviștilor. Conform regulilor de ortografie în limba ucraineană, există cel puțin șase sufixe care transformă o formă masculină într-o formă feminină. Dacă nu știu cum să creeze o formă corectă la feminin, oamenii încep să-și bată joc. Fotografiile/infograficele de pe platforma pot fi preluate în număr de maxim 2 bucăți per material și doar cu menționarea și numele autorului/autoarei.
Persons: , Katerina Kovalenko, autoarei Locations: Ucraina, ost, ucraineană, Berlin
Duties and ResponsibilitiesUnder the guidance and supervision of the Cluster Lead/Policy Specialist and in close cooperation with project officers of other agencies, the Project Analyst will ensure the provision of high-quality development of services and products, as outlined in the Project Document. More specifically, the Project Analyst will perform the following functions:Contribute to the timely and efficient delivery of outputs and products leading to the achievement of expected results and ensure full compliance of all the actions with UNDP policies and procedures. The support and information provided facilitates decision-making of the Project Board and UNDP Management. The Project Analyst applies and promotes the principles of results-based management (RBM), as well as a client-oriented approach consistent with UNDP rules and regulations. The Project Analyst will be engaged in continuous collaboration with other Project colleagues on the delivery of joint initiatives and activities.
Total: 24