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18 mentions found

Компания LG подала в российскую Федеральную службу интеллектуальной собственности (Роспатент) заявку на регистрацию торгового знака OHUI — бренда косметики по уходу за лицом и телом, входящего в подразделение LG beauty, сообщает 12 сентября издание The Bell. По информации издания, концерн LG возвращается в Россию с новым брендом OHUI — подразделение компании Household & Healthcare собирается запустить под этой маркой продажу на российском рынке косметики. Известно, что компания OHUI основана в 1997 году. Как отмечает, в России LG известен в первую очередь как производитель бытовой техники и электроники. Однако неофициальный импорт в Россию техники LG, как и многих других брендов, продолжился.
Persons: OHUI — Organizations: LG, Healthcare, Федеральная служба интеллектуальной собственности (Роспатент), &, Коммерсант Locations: Россия, Украина, Польша, Молдова
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Persons: Notificările
В рамках финансируемой ЕС программы «Rabla for Household Appliances» в Молдове рассылаются текстовые сообщения с ваучерами на покупку светодиодных ламп. Если вы получили SMS с адреса или электронное письмо с адреса , вы можете получить ваучер на сумму 500 леев. Около 50 000 семей получат бесплатные ваучеры на светодиодные лампы. С помощью этого ваучера вы можете приобрести в магазинах-партнерах программы лампочки минимальной энергетической категории A+ по старой маркировке энергоэффективности или минимальной F по новым правилам. Программа «Rabla for Household Appliances» реализуется Национальным центром устойчивой энергетики при финансовой поддержке Европейского Союза в рамках проекта, реализуемого ПРООН.
Persons: Organizations: SMS GOV1, Национальный центр устойчивой энергетики, ПРООН Locations: ЕС, Молдова, Европейский Союз
„Au fost cinci cai şi toţi au fost recuperaţi. Trei dintre ei sunt bine, însă doi, din păcate, sunt într-o stare gravă, pe care o vom monitoriza”, a declarat ministrul de stat pentru înzestrare al Marii Britanii, James Cartlidge, la postul de televiziune Sky News. Londonezii stupefiaţi au putut vedea apoi caii galopând pe bulevardele capitalei, depăşind maşini, lovindu-se de taxiuri şi autobuze şi speriind biciclişti. Aceşti călăreţi iau parte la parada aniversară a monarhului britanic, care are loc în mod tradiţional în luna iunie. Potrivit lui James Cartlidge, este „extrem de puţin probabil” ca astfel de evenimente să se repete, deoarece armata desfăşoară antrenamente fără incidente în fiecare zi, în centrul Londrei, la acestea participând aproape 150 de cai.
Persons: James Cartlidge, Londonezii, Hyde Park, Aceşti Organizations: Sky News, Palatul Buckingham Locations: Britanii, Vida, Palatul, britanică, Whitehall, britanic, Londrei
Două animale, dintre care unul „plin de sânge”, au lovit mașini, un autobuz și pietoni și au rănit un soldat. Unul dintre animale a intrat într-un autobuz cu etaj, spărgându-i parbrizul, în timp ce un altul s-a izbit de un taxi negru. Un alt cal a lovit un autoturism Mercedes-Benz (taxi), pe care l-a avariat lateral, spărgându-i două geamuri din spate. Buckingham Palace Road a fost închisă și a fost instituit un cordon de siguranță. A fost îngrozitor”, a mărturisit, pentru LBC, o femeie care a văzut scenele teribile.
Persons: Cabalinele, Victoria, Bashir, Chancery Lane Organizations: Buckingham Palace Road, Horse Guards Parade, The, Mercedes, Benz, Fleet Street Locations: Londra, Household, Clermont, Whitehall, Bashir Aden, Victoria, Londrei, Belgrave, Chancery
Sursa foto: jurnal.mdExpert: R. Moldova continuă să aibă unul dintre cele mai înalte tarife la gazele naturale din estul EuropeiRepublica Moldova continuă să aibă unul dintre cele mai înalte tarife la gazele naturale în rândul țărilor din Europa de est. Potrivit lui Veaceslav Ioniță, până în 2021, Republica Moldova, anual, procura gaz de circa 4,7 – 6,7 miliarde de lei. În 2022, media europeană a atins 1448 de dolari, iar prețul plătit de Republica Moldova a fost de 828 de dolari. În 2023, media europeană a scăzut la 504 dolari, iar Republica Moldova a procurat gaze cu 797 de dolari. Expertul afirmă că Republica Moldova, din nefericire, continuă să aibă unul dintre cele mai înalte tarife la gazele naturale din estul Europei.
Persons: Veaceslav Ioniță Organizations: Sociale, Uniunea Europeană, Energocom Locations: Moldova, Europei Republica Moldova, Europa, Republica Moldova, Moldovei, Republicii Moldova, Federația Rusă, Europei, Bulgaria, Polonia, România, Slovacia, Croația, Serbia, Ungaria, Ucraina
Primește notificări pe email Nota bene: Adresele email cu extensia .ru nu sunt acceptate. Contractare și Achiziție Bunuri Anunțuri de Angajare Granturi - Finanțări Burse de studiu Stagii Profesionale Oportunități de voluntariat Toate Articolele
Primește notificări pe email Nota bene: Adresele email cu extensia .ru nu sunt acceptate. Contractare și Achiziție Bunuri Anunțuri de Angajare Granturi - Finanțări Burse de studiu Stagii Profesionale Oportunități de voluntariat Toate Articolele
Primește notificări pe email Nota bene: Adresele email cu extensia .ru nu sunt acceptate. Contractare și Achiziție Bunuri Anunțuri de Angajare Granturi - Finanțări Burse de studiu Stagii Profesionale Oportunități de voluntariat Toate Articolele
Given the increase of gas tariffs will lead to subsequent increases of the electricity prices, the entire national economy and population will be affected. The EU has urged Moldova to ensure that the energy sector reform demonstrates full respect of the Energy Community acquis and is in line with the EU Third Energy Package. Under these circumstances the Government of Moldova will be assisted to tackle the current energy crisis and energy poverty, and addressing prioritized systemic elements in the energy sector to cope with potential future energy crisis. The information provided facilitates decision-making of the Programme Board, the Beneficiary and UNDP management. Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Procurement Coordinator and Programme Manager, the incumbent contributes to an effective and efficient implementation of programme objectives through a range of actions contributing to the design, planning, management and monitoring of activities.
Primește notificări pe email Nota bene: Adresele email cu extensia .ru nu sunt acceptate. Contractare și Achiziție Bunuri Anunțuri de Angajare Granturi - Finanțări Burse de studiu Stagii Profesionale Oportunități de voluntariat Toate Articolele
The EU has urged Moldova to ensure that the energy sector reform demonstrates full respect of the Energy Community acquis and is in line with the EU Third Energy Package. The EU-UNDP Programme “Addressing the impacts of energy crisis and initiating solutions toward energy security and addressing energy poverty” aims, as an overall objective, to assist the Government of Moldova in tackling the current energy crisis and energy poverty, and addressing prioritized systemic elements in the energy sector to cope with potential future energy crisis. Duties and ResponsibilitiesUnder the guidance and direct supervision of the Climate Change, Environment and Energy Cluster Lead, the incumbent provides effective and efficient coordination of the Addressing the impacts of energy crisis and initiating solutions toward energy security and addressing energy poverty Project, through a range of actions contributing to the design, planning, management and monitoring of project activities. The information provided facilitates decision-making of the Project Board, the Beneficiary and UNDP management. Institutional ArrangementThe Programme Manager will work under the supervision of the Climate Change, Environment and Energy Cluster Clead and will ensure the provision of development services and products commensurate with the scope of the Project and assigned area of responsibility of the highest quality and standards to national and local counterparts and clients through applying HRBA and GE approaches.
Tender no. 91169813 for procurement of household devices
  + stars: | 2023-01-12 | by ( Alte Articole | )   time to read: +3 min
91169813 for procurement of household devicesThe German Development Cooperation through GIZ is announcing a tender for the procurement of household devices for the kindergartens, schools and social assistance institutions in rural communities of Talmaza, Cioburciu, Rascaeti and Purcari in Stefan Voda district, within its project “Confidence Building measures along the Dniester River”. To request the technical specifications and for clarifications regarding the tender, contact the e-mail address, not later than 23.01.2023. All documents shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, showing the tender name and number (91169813) on it. The applications shall be delivered to the address of GIZ Office Chisinau. Ofertele se vor depune în plicuri sigilate, cu indicarea denumirii și numărului de tender (91169813) pe plic.
Додон рассказал, что с ноября в Молдове электроэнергия стала стоить 5,15–5,19 леев за 1 кВт/ч, с учетом НДС. Дорогая электроэнергия была в Греции — €0,31 за 1 кВт/ч, Бельгии — €0,27 за 1 кВт/ч, Ирландии — €0,27 за 1 кВт/ч. В этой категории самая дорогая электроэнергия была в Дании — €0,46 за 1 кВт/ч, Бельгии — €0,34 за 1 кВт/ч, Германии — €0,33 за 1 кВт/ч. Так, в сентябре в Копенгагене электроэнергия стоила €0,66 за 1 кВт/ч, а в Таллинне — €0,59 за 1 кВт/ч. В Дублине потребители электроэнергии платили €0,35 за 1 кВт/ч, в Братиславе — €0,19, а в Бухаресте — €0,16 за 1 кВт/ч.
Persons: Додон, Игорь Додон Organizations: СМИ, Евростат (службы статистики, Евростат, Венгерский орган по регулированию энергетики и коммунальные услуги Locations: Молдова, Европа, Европейский союз, ЕС, Греция, Бельгия, Ирландия, Польша, Болгария, Венгрия, Дания, Германия, Италия, Копенгагене, Таллинн, Афинах, Кипр, Никосия, Рим, Брюссель, Дублин, Братиславе, Бухарест
The German Development Cooperation through GIZ is announcing a tender for the procurement of electrical devices (household) for several beneficiaries in Soroca, within its project “Strong Businesses and Communities for Moldova”. The provider shall ensure delivery and commissioning of goods to the facilities in Comrat and Soroca. To request the technical specifications and for clarifications regarding the tender, contact the e-mail address, not later than 30.09.2022. Interested bidders are required to submit the following set of documents:Offer (duly signed and stamped), calculated in MDL at 0% VAT and goods delivery time;Certificates of origin for the goods offered;Short description/overview of the company experience and qualification;Contact information for the bidder and responsible person;Bank data including bank name, bank code and IBAN MDL;Copy of company registration certificate (registration in the Republic of Moldova), as well as other related licenses and permissions;No-debt certificate from the Moldovan State Inspection or copy of the latest financial report. All documents shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, showing the tender name and number (91166392) on it.
UNICEF ITB 9168242, cleaning and hygiene supplies
  + stars: | 2021-07-01 | by ( Alte Articole | )   time to read: +5 min
Modalitatea de expediere a ofertei:Prin email, la adresa In plic sigilat, la receptia Casei ONU, str.31 August, nr. UNICEF Moldova invites interested companies to submit their bids for hygiene, sanitary and cleaning supplies and consumables: hand sanitizer, handwash liquid soap, surface disinfectant, toilet paper, trash bags, household gloves, paper towels, liquid bleach, WC cleaner, hands cream, diapers, toothpaste, toothbrushes, as per the attached ITB. Please find in the attached document details regarding the requirements and conditions for the products and suppliers. Any questions can be addressed to Elena Griu at 48 hours before the tender deadline the latest. This advertisement and the relevant supporting documents is available at UNDP Moldova | Tender: UNICEF ITB 9168242, cleaning and hygiene supplies
Persons: August, Elena Griu Organizations: UNICEF Moldova, ONU, UNICEF, Tender Locations: Chisinau, permisurile, and, cream, diapers, toothpaste, Bidders, Moldova, cleaning and
Gender gap in digital skills also impedes women’s access to essential public services that are digitalized, as well as digital forms of business and commerce. More specifically, in Moldova women occupy only 31% of jobs in the ICT sector and only 19% of digital professions. As a result, women get jobs with a lower level of qualification and, respectively, of remuneration in the ICT sector. In response to the COVID-19 effects, companies have shifted further to digital commerce, setting up their digital presence through online platforms/marketplaces, including own direct-to customer commerce platforms . Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it.
Persons: diversityUNDP Organizations: Technologies, Engineering, ICT, Government, Economic Council, Ministry, Economy, SC, UNDP rostersNote, UNDP, United Nations Locations: Moldova, Republic of Moldova, United
Чарли Д'Амелио стала первым пользователем TikTok, на которого подписалось 100 млн человек. Чарли Д'Амелио стала первым блогером TikTok со 100 млн подписчиков — такое количество ей удалось набрать за полтора года своей деятельности, сообщает портал Business Insider. Кроме того, Чарли Д'Амелио со своей сестрой начали вести свой канал на YouTube, где экспериментируют с разным форматами. Кроме того, девушка пожаловалась на то, что не смогла достигнуть 100 млн подписчиков за год. Руководитель проектов коммуникационной группы iMARS по Digital и SMM Ярослав Дехтярев объяснил «Газете.Ru», почему TikTok позволяет набирать подписчиков быстрее, чем другие социальные сети.
Persons: Dunkin, Чарли Д'Амелио, Д'Амелио, Блогингом, Джеймс Чарльз, Ярослав Дехтярев, Дехтярев, Марк Шерман, Шерман Organizations: YouTube, Business, Twitter, C Agency, Газета. Locations: TikTok, Д'Амелио, США
Total: 18