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Invitație pentru depunerea cererii la lista de furnizori pentruWorld Vision Moldova. Data-limită pentru depunerea cererii: 19 Iulie 2024, ora 17:00World Vision Moldova (WVM) invită firmele/persoanele fizice calificate care furnizează unul sau mai multe produse/servicii, așa cum sunt enumerate mai jos. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. version:Invitation for Application for Supplier Roster with World Vision Moldova. Application Submission Deadline: 19 July 2024, 17.00 o’clockWorld Vision Moldova (WVM) is inviting invites qualified firms/individuals who provide one or more commodities as listed below. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future.
Persons: Submitting, Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, Moldova World Vision, Națională Economică, Moldovei, PNUD, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, Digital, Moldova National Economic, World Locations: Vision Moldova, Moldova, Moldovei, future, families
Invitație pentru depunerea cererii la lista de furnizori pentruWorld Vision Moldova. Data-limită pentru depunerea cererii: 12 Iulie 2024, ora 17:00World Vision Moldova (WVM) invită firmele/persoanele fizice calificate care furnizează unul sau mai multe produse, așa cum sunt enumerate mai jos. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. for Application for Supplier Rosterwith World Vision Moldova. Application Submission Deadline: 12 July 2024, 17.00 o’clockWorld Vision Moldova (WVM) is inviting invites qualified firms/individuals who provide one or more commodities as listed below. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future.
Persons: Submitting, Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, Moldova World Vision, Națională Economică, Moldovei, PNUD, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, Digital, Moldova National Economic, World Locations: Vision Moldova, Moldova, Moldovei, future, families
Invitație pentru depunerea cererii la lista de furnizori pentruWorld Vision Moldova. Data-limită pentru depunerea cererii: 05 Iulie 2024, ora 17:00World Vision Moldova (WVM) invită firmele/persoanele fizice calificate care furnizează unul sau mai multe produse, așa cum sunt enumerate mai jos. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. Ver:Invitation for Application for Supplier Roster with World Vision Moldova. Application Submission Deadline: 05 July 2024, 17.00 o’clockWorld Vision Moldova (WVM) is inviting invites qualified firms/individuals who provide one or more commodities as listed below. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future.
Persons: Submitting, Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, Moldova World Vision, Națională Economică, Moldovei, PNUD, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, Digital, Moldova National Economic, World Locations: Vision Moldova, Moldova, Moldovei, future, families
Astfel de invitație va depinde de evaluarea WVM a experienței companiei, abilității sale de a furniza/efectua, solidaritatea financiară, precum și de relevanța bunurilor sau serviciilor oferite. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. Version:Invitation for Application for Supplier Roster with World Vision Moldova. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future. Transportation servicesbus/minivans inside the countrySubmitting a completed application does not guarantee that a Supplier/Vendor will be invited to tender. Such invitation will depend on WVM evaluation of a company's experience, its ability to supply/perform, financial soundness as well as the relevance of the goods or services offered.
Persons: Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, future, families
Invitație pentru depunerea cererii la lista de furnizori pentruWorld Vision Moldova. Data-limită pentru depunerea cererii: 28 Iunie 2024, ora 17:00World Vision Moldova (WVM) invită firmele/persoanele fizice calificate care furnizează unul sau mai multe produse, așa cum sunt enumerate mai jos. Astfel de invitație va depinde de evaluarea WVM a experienței companiei, abilității sale de a furniza/efectua, solidaritatea financiară, precum și de relevanța bunurilor sau serviciilor oferite. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. version:Invitation for Application for Supplier Roster with World Vision Moldova. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future.
Persons: June, Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, Moldovei, Chisinau, trees, shrubs, Moldova, families
Since the beginning of the Ukraine refugee crisis in February 2022, WFP set up operations in Moldova to assist in the refugee response. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES (not all-inclusive, within delegated authority):a) Lead the working group on performance management of the reform RESTART; finetune the activity plan of the working group. c) Assess the results and processes of performance management and adjust the Performance Management Framework accordingly. Ajutor Social) and the role of the Social Inspectorate. g) Participate in working meetings and in donor coordination meetings organized by the MLSP as part of the reform RESTART.
Persons: numerar, 🚩, mme, ros, ove, ) ➡, ake, Ed, xu, ina, lett Organizations: WFP, iCS, ppl
Astfel de invitație va depinde de evaluarea WVM a experienței companiei, abilității sale de a furniza/efectua, solidaritatea financiară, precum și de relevanța bunurilor sau serviciilor oferite. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. version:Invitation for Application for Supplier Roster with World Vision Moldova. Application Submission Deadline: 28 June 2024, 17.00 o’clockWorld Vision Moldova (WVM) is inviting invites qualified firms/individuals who provide one or more commodities as listed below. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future. Design elaboration, manufacture and installation works for kitchen furnitureinside Republic of Moldova (Chisinau municipality and outside)Submitting a completed application does not guarantee that a Supplier/Vendor will be invited to tender.
Persons: June, Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova, families
Since the beginning of the Ukraine refugee crisis in February 2022, WFP set up operations in Moldova to assist in the refugee response. Contribute towards the development of procurement plans and processes ensuring compliance with wider procurement policies and WFP standards. issue tenders, evaluate offers and negotiate/award contracts), following standard processes to contributing to successful procurement of food and non-food commodities or services. Support training of WFP staff to take a strategic and proactive approach to the procurement of food and non-food commodities and services, for example designing and reviewing training materials. It is open to all and collaborative and contributes to a culture of learning and personal development.
Persons: numerar, 🚩, mme, ros, ove, ) ➡, ake, roa, Ed, xu, ina, lett Organizations: WFP, iCS, nal, nsu, imi, ppl
Astfel de invitație va depinde de evaluarea WVM a experienței companiei, abilității sale de a furniza/efectua, solidaritatea financiară, precum și de relevanța bunurilor sau serviciilor oferite. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. Version:Invitation for Application for Supplier Roster with World Vision Moldova. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future. Transportation servicesbus/minivans inside the countrySubmitting a completed application does not guarantee that a Supplier/Vendor will be invited to tender. Such invitation will depend on WVM evaluation of a company's experience, its ability to supply/perform, financial soundness as well as the relevance of the goods or services offered.
Persons: June, Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, future, families
Astfel de invitație va depinde de evaluarea WVM a experienței companiei, abilității sale de a furniza/efectua, solidaritatea financiară, precum și de relevanța bunurilor sau serviciilor oferite. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. Version:Invitation for Application for Supplier Roster with World Vision Moldova. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future. Submitting a completed application does not guarantee that a Supplier/Vendor will be invited to tender. Such invitation will depend on WVM evaluation of a company's experience, its ability to supply/perform, financial soundness as well as the relevance of the goods or services offered.
Persons: Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, future, markets, families
RO: UNHCR, Agenția ONU pentru Refugiați, lansează o invitație de exprimare a interesului pentru granturi finanțate de UNHCR pentru organizațiile locale conduse de refugiați (RLO) și organizațiile comunitare (CBO) din Moldova, pentru a le susține eforturile de a aborda provocările la nivel local prin contribuția la dezvoltarea capacităților acestora. Cererile sunt deschise pentru organizațiile înregistrate și neînregistrate care doresc să primească sprijin pentru a-și dezvolta capacitatea de a răspunde nevoilor refugiaților și ale comunităților gazdă. Applications are open for registered and non-registered organizations seeking support in developing their capacity to respond to the needs of refugees and host communities. These include including local Refugee-Led Organizations, Organizations led by Forcibly Displaced and Stateless people, Women-Led Organizations, initiative groups, volunteer movements, and other initiatives led by refugees, forcibly displaced and stateless persons. The grant offers a maximum of USD 12,000 per organization during the implementation year (2024).
Persons: Refugiați, Women’s, June Organizations: Agenția ONU, Grantul, Агентство ООН по делам беженцев, УВКБ, ООН, ООН для Местные организации Locations: Moldova, abuse, English, Молдова, США
Deputaţii din cadrul DEM au scandat „umăr la umăr împotriva fascismului”, iar deputaţi AKP le-au răspuns „Jos PKK!”. Mehmet Siddik Akis este primul primar prokurd destituit după alegerile de la 31 martie, în care DEM a obţinut victorii în zeci de municipalităţi din Turcia. Poliţia a intervenit împotriva susţinătorilor DEM, arată publicaţia de opoziţie Medyascope. Turkish Police fires plastic bullets at protesters in Hakkari. Protests escalate in Hakkari as police respond with plastic bullets to @DEMGenelMerkezi MPs and citizens rallying against the replacement of Mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış with a trustee — MedyaNews (@medyanews_) June 4, 2024Guvernatorul provinciei Hakkari a interzis orice manifestaţie până la 12 iunie.
Persons: Mehmet Siddik Akis, DEM, Poliţia, Mehmet Sıddık, June Organizations: Hakkari Locations: DEM, Recep, Turcia, Hakkari
- Cleaning of the common kitchens. Office waste management and recyclable waste management- Manage the waste from the office premises, including the kitchens, bathrooms and cabinets- Apply the actual knowledge on waste management and separate the waste. Use the authorized containers for the waste disposal in line with the marking, color or label on them. Sort waste at the office in separate waste bins in accordance with the waste material: Paper/cardboard waste; Metal waste; Plastic waste; Batteries waste. The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Office and the Organization.
Persons: Îngrijitoare, POPP Organizations: CBM, EU CBM, Waste, Organization . Supplies, Business Management, Operations Management, Administration, Operations, UNDP, United Nations Locations: Chisinau, Moldova, EU, Russian
The scope of the Contract shall include but not be limited to the following:- Cleaning of office space, conference room, stairways, and common areas. - Cleaning of the common kitchens. - Corridors – wash floors, vacuum cleaning of the carpets in the reception/common area corridors, empty waste bins, replace new bin bags, remove spider webs. The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Office and the Organization. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it.
Persons: Casa, UNRCO, POPP Organizations: Casa ONU, UN, Agencies ’, Waste, UNFPA, OHCHR, UNDP, B, UNICEF, Organization, Business Management, Operations Management, Administration, Operations, UNDP rostersNote, warningThe, Nations Locations: Moldova, Chisinau, Russian
CONSULTANCY ON CONDUCTING NEEDS ASSESSMENT IN THE FIELD OF MIGRATION IN MOLDOVAPeople in Need in Moldova is searching for a consultant to conduct a needs assessment research study on Migration and Migrants in Moldova to support the PIN initiative titled 'Cities and Regions for All.' People in Need has been helping in crisis-affected areas and promoting respect for human rights since 1992, and active in Moldova since 2003. In addition, the Government of Moldova approved the “National program to stimulate returns and facilitate the (re)integration of citizens of the Republic of Moldova involved in the migration process for the years 2023-2027”. ICMPD Moldova – International Centre for Migration Policy Development, World Bank in Moldova) active in the field of migrationINGOs active in the field of migration (e.g. MethodologyResearch Questions and Detailing of the Research QuestionsIndicatorsMethods of Data Collection, Data Sources and AnalysisSampling ApproachManagement of the needs assessmentLimitations to the needs assessmentIII.
Persons: CSOs, Moldova’s Organizations: Migrants, Regions, Refugees, EU, Social Assistance, Territorial, Social, Territorial Agencies, Ministry of Labour, Social Protection Ministry of Education and Research Ministry, Internal Affairs, Migration, Local Authorities, CDA, Centre, Refugees – CCR, The Alliance, Active, UN, IOM, UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF, ILO, ICMPD Moldova – International, for Migration Policy, World Bank, European Association of Service, HIAS, HOPE Moldova, INGO, Logistics Locations: MOLDOVA, Moldova, Czech, Russia, Ukraine, Central Europe, Government, Republic of Moldova, Roma, Chisinau Municipality, Balti Municipality, Comrat, Iași, Romania, Botoşani, Sector, București, ICMPD, HIAS Moldova, ISSA Moldova, Balti, Cahul, Chisinau, Romanian, Russian,, moldova
Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Programme Specialist/ Inclusive Growth Cluster Lead, the Programme Associate provides leadership in the execution of services in the CO Programme Unit, supports the design, planning and management of the country programme by managing data and facilitating programme implementation. The Programme Associate promotes a client-oriented approach consistent with UNDP rules and regulationsDuties and ResponsibilitiesThe Programme Associate works in close collaboration with the operations, programme and project teams in the CO and UNDP HQs staff for resolving complex programme-related issues and information delivery. Support in the establishment of the mechanisms to track the use of RBM tools and maintenance of RBM database. Support to management of the CO programme:Presentation of thoroughly researched information for the formulation of the country programme, preparation of project documents’ drafts, work plans, budgets, proposals on implementation arrangements. The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Office and the Organization.
Persons: POPP Organizations: Equity, UNDP, UNDP HQs, Administration, UN, UNDAF, BSC, Pipeline, HQs, Regional Bureau, National Coordinators, NIM, Organization, Engage, Business Management, Business, Finance Budget, Finance, Planning, Public Administration, Economics, Social Sciences, United Nations Locations: Russian, Moldova
Nu au fost raportate victime, dar o fetiță de 10 ani a fost rănită de șrapnel, a precizat Hagari. Am interceptat şi continuăm să interceptăm zeci de drone, dar şi rachetele de croazieră şi rachete balistice în afara graniţei Israelului", a declarat Daniel Hagari, purtător de cuvânt armata israeliană. (...) Astăzi, voi convoca liderii G7 pentru a coordona un răspuns diplomatic în faţa atacului sfidător al Iranului", a declarat Joe Biden. De asemenea, Irakul şi Libanul şi-au închis temporar spaţiul aerian, în timp ce Iordania a declarat stare de urgenţă în urma masivului atac. Cu toate acestea, o persoană informată de conducerea iraniană a declarat că, deși planurile de atac sunt discutate, nu a fost luată nicio decizie finală.
Persons: Daniel Hagari, El, Daniel, Joe Biden, Benjamin Netanyahu, Biden, Netanyahu, Israelului, António Guterres, Totul, Damasc ., Israelul, Maia Sandu, MAEIE Organizations: Mediafax, Israelul, Hezbollah, G7, Securitate, ONU, Ministerul, Externe, Ministerului Transporturilor, Wall Street Journal, Integrării Europene, TAROM, Comunitatea Evreiască, One, Internațional Chișinău, Reuters, Apărare Locations: Israelului de, Iran, Irak, Yemen, launches, Israel, Orientul Mijlociu, israelian, drones, ţară, israelian Arad, Statele Unite, Israelului, Statelor Unite, Iranului, Regatului Unit, Cipru, Tel Aviv, israeliană, Haifa, Libanul, Iordania, Teheran, Ormuz, Cisiordania, iranian, Siriei, Damasc, Republica Moldova, MAE, Republicii Moldova, Liban, Siria, Ambasada Republicii Moldova, RM, România, București, Fâșia Gaza, Gaza
Since the beginning of the Ukraine refugee crisis in February 2022, WFP set up operations in Moldova to assist in the refugee response. ➡️ WFP is a 2020 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. Provide operational coordination and administrative services, to support procurement projects and activities, following standard processes and contributing to the effective procurement of goods and services. Follow standard emergency preparedness practices to support WFP to quickly respond and deploy food and needed resources to affected areas at the onset of the crisis. Is open to all and collaborative and contributes to a culture of learning and personal development.
Persons: numerar, 🚩, , mme, ros, ove, ) ➡, eli, ered to a, Ed, xu, ina, lett Organizations: WFP, iCS, ppr, nsu, imi, ppl
Duties and ResponsibilitiesUnder the guidance and supervision of the Operations Manager and direct supervisor, the Finance Associate ensures effective execution of financial services and processes in the Country Office and transparent utilization of financial resources. The Finance Associate may supervise clerical and support staff of the Finance Unit. The Finance Associate works in close collaboration with the Operations, Programme, and projects’ staff in the CO and with UNDP HQ and GSSC staff to exchange information and resolve finance-related issues. Support office management in preparing and reviewing CO finance business processes mapping and elaboration of the content of internal standard operating procedures in finance in consultation with the direct supervisor and office management. The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Office and the Organization.
Persons: POPP, Ledger, NOA, Organizations: Equity, UNDP, Finance, Country Office, Country, Finance Unit, Operations, Headquarters, Treasury, disbursements, Organization . Supervisory, Engage, Management, Business, Accounting, Budget, University, Administration, UNDP Finance Training, Finance Test, Finance Training, UNDP Accountancy, United Nations Locations: Russian, Moldova
Local governance institutions and community stakeholders lack the organizational and technical capacities to carry out participatory integrated water resource management and flood risk assessment and management. The last target group of the project is the private sector who rent the hydra-technical infrastructure form the LPAs and who have the role of water users. Duties and ResponsibilitiesUnder the guidance and direct supervision of the Climate Change, Environment and Energy Programme Analyst, the incumbent provides effective and efficient coordination of the Flood Management Project, through a range of actions contributing to the design, planning, management and monitoring of project activities. The information provided facilitates decision-making of the Project Board, the Beneficiary and UNDP management. The Project Manager will coordinate the project team, consisting of up to 6 full time employees and part time consultants, as envisaged in project organizational chart.
Persons: , inclusivity, ´ Organizations: Equity, UNDP, State Hydro, SHS, Agency, Local, Authorities, Ministry, Environment, Austrian Development Agency, Energy, Flood, Knowledge Management, Organization, Project Board, GE, Communications, Office, Government, Engage, Management, Management Project, Business Management, Knowledge, UN, DP Project, United Nations Locations: Moldova, Soviet, Dniester, Romanian
The reform will focus on enhancing the efficiency and quality of the public service and structural changes to modernize the state and achieve European integration. The programme further prioritizes among its objectives to advance the reform of public administration at central and local level. One of the pillars of the Strategy is the reformation of the local public administration that is linked mainly to the facilitation of the voluntary amalgamation process. The Project Specialist will facilitate the coordination of the interventions related to the local public administration reform and territorial-administrative reform. The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Office and the Organisation.
Organizations: Equity, UNDP, of, European, European Moldova government, European Union, Administration, Administration Reform, Government, Local Public Authorities, Chancellery, Ministry of Finance, SC, Mobilization, GE, Knowledge Management, Organisation, Local, Communications, Office, inclusivity, Management, UNDP System, UNDP Project, United Nations Locations: Republic of Moldova, European Moldova, EU, Moldova, Ukraine, Government, PARS, Russian
Contractanți pentru lucrări de construcție și reparație, întreținerea și repararea încăperilor, găuri de sondă, construcții de bazineMateriale de construcție. Astfel de invitație va depinde de evaluarea WVM a experienței companiei, abilității sale de a furniza/efectua, solidaritatea financiară, precum și de relevanța bunurilor sau serviciilor oferite. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. Version:Invitation for Application for Supplier Roster with World Vision Moldova. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future. Submitting a completed application does not guarantee that a Supplier/Vendor will be invited to tender.
Persons: Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, future, repair, Boreholes, families
The scope of the Contract shall include but not be limited to the following:- Cleaning of office space, conference room, stairways, and common areas. - Cleaning of the common kitchens. - Corridors – wash floors, vacuum cleaning of the carpets in the reception/common area corridors, empty waste bins, replace new bin bags, remove spider webs. The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Office and the Organization. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it.
Persons: Casa, UNRCO, POPP Organizations: Casa ONU, UN, Agencies ’, Waste, UNFPA, OHCHR, UNDP, B, UNICEF, Organization, Business, Administration, Operations, UNDP rostersNote, warningThe, Nations Locations: Moldova, Chisinau, Russian
Thematic priorities for work are: Strengthening the rule of law and accountability for human rights violations; Enhancing equality and countering discrimination Integrating human rights in sustainable development; and Enhancing civic space and people’s participation. Knowledge of institutional mandates of human rights organizations, prevailing policies, and procedures. Research and analytical skills, including the ability to identify and participate in the resolution of human rights issues. Research and analytical skills, including the ability to identify and participate in the resolution of human rights issues. Experience:Up to 2 years of professional experience in the promotion and protection of human rights and related areas.
Persons: OHCHR Organizations: Moldovan Nationals, Human, UN RC Office, UN, Team, Government, Rights, OHCHR, United Nations Locations: Moldova, Transnistrian
Another target group is the Local Public Authorities from the selected pilot regions. The last target group of the project is the private sector who rent the hydra-technical infrastructure form the LPAs and who have the role of water users. Ensure timely submission of financial reports to the UNDP Country Office to verify the accuracy of such reports for the national partner or donor. Institutional ArrangementThe Project Associate will execute the duties and responsibilities outlined above under the guidance and supervision of the Project Manager. Desired SkillsExperience of working for international organization related to project implementation and previous experience managing UNDP projects is desirable.
Persons: , areas.Duties Organizations: Diversity, Equity, UNDP, State Hydro, SHS, Agency, Local, Authorities, Ministry, Environment, Austrian Development Agency, Office, Joint, Organization, UNDP Operations Unit, Engage, Management, Business, Budget, Procurement, Operations, Administration & Operations, Education, United Nations Locations: Moldova, Soviet, Dniester, Bulgarian
Total: 25