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Rodrigo Bentancur riscă o suspendare drastică după o remarcă la adresa lui Heung-min Son: „Arată la fel”Federaţia Engleză de Fotbal (FA) a anunţat că deschiderea unei proceduri disciplinare împotriva mijlocaşului Rodrigo Bentancur, după ce mijlocaşul uruguayan de la Tottenham a avut remarci rasiste la adresa coechipierului său sud-coreean Heung-Min Son. „Sonny”, l-a întrebat Bentancur, referindu-se la Heung-Min Son. Fostul jucător de la Boca Juniors şi Juventus i-a cerut scuze coechipierului său sud-coreean şi a recunoscut că „a fost o glumă foarte proastă”. „A făcut o greşeală, o ştie şi şi-a cerut scuze”, a declarat Heung-min Son pe reţelele de socializare câteva zile mai târziu. „Rodrigo Bentancur a fost acuzat de o presupusă încălcare a regulii FA E3 pentru conduită necorespunzătoare în timpul unui interviu media”, se arată în comunicatul FA.
Persons: Rodrigo Bentancur, Min Son, Sonny, Tottenham Organizations: Fotbal, FA, Tottenham, Min, Canal, Boca Juniors, Juventus, FA Rule Locations: Anglia, coreean, Boca, Son
Abonează-te la rubricile dorite și primește zilnic notificări pe email cu link-uri la articolele care au fost adăugate în ultimele 24 de ore. Notificările vor fi expediate la adresa indicată mai jos. Dacă dorești să schimbi adresa - o poți modifica editând informația de profil aici.
Persons: Notificările
Саммит в ВеликобританииПрезидент Майя Санду прибыла на Британские острова, чтобы принять участие в саммите Европейского политического сообщества. Банк развития Совета Европы в этот же день постановил выделить Молдове грант €6 млн для обеспечения энергоэффективности строящегося или реконструируемого социального жилья. Майя Санду уже поздравила ее с переизбранием, отметив, что «в эти непростые времена ваше руководство жизненно необходимо для укрепления Европы». В парламенте, но молдавскомВ Кишиневе главный законодательный орган страны принял в первом чтении поправки в закон, которые позволят расширить применение госпрограммы ипотечного кредитования Prima Casa Plus. Также в первом чтении парламент утвердил соглашение с правительством США о передаче посольству территории бывшего Республиканского стадиона в Кишиневе за 18 млн евро.
Persons: Майя Санду, Эммануэль Макрон, Санду, Урсулу фон дер Ляйен, Диана Шошоакэ, фон дер Ляйен Шошоакэ, Зигфрид Мурешан, Думитру Алайба, Виллем Брауэр, Дан Перчун, Перчун, Наталья Морарь, Сорин Кучеряву Organizations: Prima Casa, Европейское политическое сообщество, Европейский совет, Банк развития, Совет Европы, БрюсселеЕвропейский, Еврокомиссия, Европарламент, Республиканский стадион, Верховный суд, БАК, Молдавская Собчак Locations: ВеликобританииПрезидент, Британские острова, Бленхеймский дворец, Оксфордшир, Прага, Бульбоака, Гранада, Молдова, Великобритания, Франция, Германия, Румыния, Польша, Европа, США, Кишинев, Албания, Косово, Приштине, Леушенах, Греция, Эпидавр
Willem Brouwer a fost desemnat în funcția de membru al Comisiei de evaluare externă a integrității etice și financiare a judecătorilor și a candidaților la funcția de judecător al Curții Supreme de Justiție. Un proiect de hotărâre care prevede acest lucru a fost votat de 63 de deputați, se arată în comunicatul Parlamentului. Potrivit CV-ului, Willem Brouwer a participat la evaluarea externă a judecătorilor și procurorilor în Albania. Candidatura lui Willem Brouwer a fost propusă de partenerii de dezvoltare, după ce Maria Giuliana Civinini și-a depus cererea de demisie din această funcție. Comisia de evaluare externă a judecătorilor și a candidaților la funcția de judecător al Curții Supreme de Justiție este constituită din șase membri.
Persons: Willem Brouwer, de, Maria Giuliana Civinini Organizations: de Justiție, Mission, Justiție Locations: Albania, Kosovo, Pristina
Парламент назначил нового члена комиссии Vetting, которая проводит внешнюю оценку судей и кандидатов в Высшую судебную палату Молдовы. Кандидатуру Виллема Брауэра предложили партнеры по развитию после того, как один из членов комиссии Vetting Мария Джулиана Чивинини подала в отставку. Он также был заместителем главы миссии Eulex Rule of Law Mission в Косово и судьей Верховного суда в Приштине», — сообщили в парламенте. ***Комиссия Vetting проводит внешнюю оценку судей и кандидатов на должность судьи Высшей судебной палаты Молдовы. В состав этой комиссии входят три эксперта из Молдовы и еще три специалиста, предложенные партнерами по развитию.
Persons: Виллем Брауэр, Мария Джулиана Чивинини Organizations: Высочайшая судебная палата, Верховный суд Locations: Молдова, Албания, Косово, Приштина
Sursa foto: unmiss.unmissions.orgMembru nou în comisia de evaluare a judecătorilor și a candidaților la funcția de judecător al CSJWillem Brouwer a fost desemnat de Parlament în funcția de membru al Comisiei de evaluare externă a integrității etice și financiare a judecătorilor și a candidaților la funcția de judecător al Curții Supreme de JustițieCandidatura lui Willem Brouwer a fost propusă de partenerii de dezvoltare, după ce Maria Giuliana Civinini și-a depus cererea de demisie din această funcție. Potrivit CV-ului, Willem Brouwer a participat la evaluarea externă a judecătorilor și procurorilor în Albania. Willem Brouwer a mai fost vicepreședinte al „Eulex Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo” și judecător la Curtea Supremă de la Pristina, Kosovo. Comisia de evaluare externă a judecătorilor și a candidaților la funcția de judecător al Curții Supreme de Justiție este constituită din șase membri. Membrii Comisiei sunt numiți de Parlament, cu votul a 3/5 din numărul deputaților aleși.
Persons: CSJ Willem Brouwer, Justiție, Willem Brouwer, Maria Giuliana Civinini Organizations: Mission, Comisia, Justiție Locations: Albania, Kosovo, Pristina
Willem Brouwer se desemnează în calitatea de membru al Comisiei de evaluare externă a judecătorilor și a candidaților la funcția de judecător al CSJ. 1 din hotărârea Parlamentului privind confirmarea componenței nominale a Comisiei de evaluare externă a judecătorilor și a candidaților la funcția de judecător al CSJ se modifică după cum urmează: Poziția Maria Giuliana Civinivi se exclude, se introduce poziția Willem Brouwer. Potrivit CV-ului, Willem Brouwer a participat la evaluarea externă a judecătorilor și procurorilor în Albania. Willem Brouwer a mai fost vicepreședinte al „Eulex Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo” și judecător la Curtea Supremă de la Pristina, Kosovo. Comisia de evaluare externă a judecătorilor și a candidaților la funcția de judecător al Curții Supreme de Justiție este constituită din șase membri.
Persons: Willem Brouwer, ., Giuliana, Willem Brouwer ., Veronica Roșca, Roșca, Maria Giuliana, Judecătoarea, Civinini Organizations: Parlamentul, Mission, Comisia, Justiție Locations: Albania, Kosovo, Pristina
Abonează-te la rubricile dorite și primește zilnic notificări pe email cu link-uri la articolele care au fost adăugate în ultimele 24 de ore. Notificările vor fi expediate la adresa indicată mai jos. Dacă dorești să schimbi adresa - o poți modifica editând informația de profil aici.
Persons: Notificările
Decizia a fost trimisă, la 23 mai, candidatului și CSM-ului ca organizator al concursului pentru suplinirea funcțiilor vacante în cele două colegii specializate ale judecătorilor. Ghenadie Mîra urmează să notifice Comisia dacă se opune publicării deciziei în termen de 48 de ore din momentul primirii documentului. 368 - VIII din 08 septembrie 2017, domnul MÎRA Ghenadie a fost numit în funcție de președinte al Judecătoriei Anenii Noi, pe un termen de patru ani. 250-VIII din 30 iunie 2017, Ghenadie Mîra a fost numit, prin transfer, în funcția de judecător la Judecătoria Anenii Noi. 295-VI din 23 septembrie 2011, Ghenadie Mîra a fost numit, pe un termen de cinci ani, în funcția de judecător la Judecătoria Soroca.
Persons: Ghenadie Mîra, Ghenadie, Mîra Ghenadie, Universitatea George Mason University, ABA Organizations: CSM, Apel Chișinău, Magistraturii, Apel, Justiției, Studii, Academiei Europene, Universitatea George, Curtea Europeană, Avocaților, Justiție Locations: Republicii Moldova, Apel Chișinău, Anenii Noi, înaintînd, Judecătoria Soroca, ASEM, Moldova, Lisabona, Portugalia, Republica Moldova, România, București, Tallinn, Estonia, Valletta, Malta, Munchen, Germania, Haga, Olanda, Haifa, Israel, Virginia, SUA, Strasbourg, Franța
Offeror must agree to maintain the proposed prices for the duration of the contract. The period of performance for the contract should be written for a period where prices can remain stable. Offeror acknowledges that execution of the contract does not require IRI to utilize the services of the Offeror. The number of units is the maximum number of units available at the time of the bid submission. Notice Listing Contract Clauses Incorporated by ReferenceIRI is required to make the contractor subject to the clauses of the prime award.
Persons: IRI’s, Offeror, Price, Reference ”, Organizations: International Republican Institute, IRI, Moldova Youth Forum, Reference, National Defense, Telecommunications, Huawei Technologies Company, ZTE Corporation, Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, Dahua Technology Company, Defense, National Intelligence, Federal Bureau of Investigation, USAID, ” Department of State, US Department of Locations: Moldova, Balti, U.S, MDL, Moldovan, IRI Moldova, Hangzhou,
If there are any additional fees not reflected in the table below, such pricing must be fully described in the bid. The number of units is the maximum number of units available at the time of the bid submission. If there are any additional fees not reflected in the table below, such pricing must be fully described in the bid. IRI reserves the right to share bids internally, across divisions, for the purposes of evaluating the bids. Notice Listing Contract Clauses Incorporated by ReferenceIRI is required to make the contractor subject to the clauses of the prime award.
Persons: IRI’s, Price, Reference ”, Organizations: International Republican Institute, IRI, Moldovan, Moldova —, IRI Moldova, Reference, National Defense, Telecommunications, Huawei Technologies Company, ZTE Corporation, Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, Dahua Technology Company, Defense, National Intelligence, Federal Bureau of Investigation, USAID, ” Department of State, US, US Department of Locations: Moldova, Chisinau, U.S, MDL, Moldovan, IRI Moldova, Hangzhou,
If there are any additional fees not reflected in the table below, such pricing must be fully described in the bid. The number of units is the maximum number of units available at the time of the bid submission. If there are any additional fees not reflected in the table below, such pricing must be fully described in the bid. IRI reserves the right to share bids internally, across divisions, for the purposes of evaluating the bids. Notice Listing Contract Clauses Incorporated by ReferenceIRI is required to make the contractor subject to the clauses of the prime award.
Persons: IRI’s, Price, Reference ”, Organizations: International Republican Institute, IRI, Moldovan, Moldova —, IRI Moldova, Reference, National Defense, Telecommunications, Huawei Technologies Company, ZTE Corporation, Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, Dahua Technology Company, Defense, National Intelligence, Federal Bureau of Investigation, USAID, ” Department of State, US, US Department of Locations: Moldova, Chisinau, U.S, MDL, Moldovan, IRI Moldova, Hangzhou,
The period of performance for the contract should be written for a period where prices can remain stable. Offeror acknowledges that execution of the contract does not require IRI to utilize the services of the Offeror. The number of units is the maximum number of units available at the time of the bid submission. IRI reserves the right to share bids internally, across divisions, for the purposes of evaluating the bids. Notice Listing Contract Clauses Incorporated by ReferenceIRI is required to make the contractor subject to the clauses of the prime award.
Persons: IRI’s, Offeror, Price, Reference ”, Organizations: International Republican Institute, IRI, Moldova —, Moldova Youth, Moldova Women, Reference, National Defense, Telecommunications, Huawei Technologies Company, ZTE Corporation, Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, Dahua Technology Company, Defense, National Intelligence, Federal Bureau of Investigation, USAID, ” Department of State, US Department of Locations: Moldova, Chisinau, Balti, U.S, MDL, Moldovan, IRI Moldova, Hangzhou,
The period of performance for the contract should be written for a period where prices can remain stable. - Offeror acknowledges that execution of the contract does not require IRI to utilize the services of the Offeror. If there are any additional fees not reflected in the table below, such pricing must be fully described in the bid. The number of units is the maximum number of units available at the time of the bid submission. Notice Listing Contract Clauses Incorporated by ReferenceIRI is required to make the contractor subject to the clauses of the prime award.
Persons: IRI’s, Offeror, Price, Reference ”, Organizations: International Republican Institute, IRI, Moldovan, Moldova —, Catering, Transportation, Deliverable, Reference, , National Defense, Telecommunications, Huawei Technologies Company, ZTE Corporation, Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, Dahua Technology Company, Defense, National Intelligence, Federal Bureau of Investigation, USAID, ” Department of State, US, US Department of Locations: Moldova, Chisinau, U.S, MDL, Moldovan, IRI Moldova, Hangzhou,
Duties and ResponsibilitiesThe Project Component Manager will provide effective and efficient management of the assigned projects through a range of actions contributing to the design, planning, management and monitoring of project activities. He/she is responsible and accountable to the Project Board for the project results within the limits of assigned project components. Coordinate and manage the day-to-day activities of the assigned projects and the overall implementation process, including planning and monitoring in order to optimize the use of resources and to ensure the successful achievement of project objectives and results specified in project document. Identify, synthesize and document best practices and lessons learned that are generated from the project and implementing partners. The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Office and the Organization.
Organizations: Equity, UNDP, Ministry of Internal, Public, Law, U.S . Government, Project Board, UNDP POPP, Project, Finance, Organization, Communications, Country Office, Engage, Management, Business, Business Management, Security, Human Rights, UNDP Project, . Government, United Nations Locations: UNDP Moldova, Cybercrime, Moldova, Romanian
Президент Майя Санду и премьер-министр Дорин Речан приветствовали решение ЕС ввести санкции против лиц, пытающихся дестабилизировать ситуации в Молдове. Сегодня Совет ЕС принял решительные меры, введя новые ограничения против тех, кто подрывает демократию в Молдове. Это мощный сигнал — вместе мы обеспечим безопасное будущее», — написала Санду. These measures send a powerful message — together, we stand strong in ensuring a secure future. — Dorin Recean (@DorinRecean) February 22, 2024Напомним, Совет ЕС 22 февраля объявил о введении санкций против лиц, «ответственных за действия, направленные на дестабилизацию, подрыв или угрозу суверенитету и независимости Молдовы».
Persons: , @EUCouncil, — Maia Sandu, Moldova’s, Dorin, Майя Санду, Дорин Речан, Санду, Речан, Кирилл Гузун, Арина Коршикова, Думитру Китороагэ, Мария Албот, Илан Шор, Виктор Петров, Дмитрий Милютин, Владимир Плахотнюк, Марина Таубер, Георгий Кавкалюк, Игорь Чайка Organizations: EU, , TV6, Совет, Управление оперативной разведки, ФСБ, Генинспектората полиция Locations: Primul, Moldova, ЕС, Молдова, Евросоюз, РФ, Гагаузия, Россия
В Молдову прибыл экс-президент Швейцарии, кандидат на должность генерального секретаря Совета Европы Ален Берсе. Об этом 21 февраля сообщила президент Майя Санду в своем сообщении в X (Twitter). «Рада вновь встретиться с Аленом Берсе, хорошим другом Молдовы, во время его регионального турне. — Maia Sandu (@sandumaiamd) February 21, 2024Следует отметить, что накануне Ален Берсе побывал в Киеве. В посольстве Швейцарии в Украине уточнили, что в центре внимания визита Берсе была роль Совета Европы в поддержке Украины против российской агрессии и «в обеспечении ответственности и справедливости».
Persons: , FvWE0blaXH — Maia Sandu, Ален Берсе, Майя Санду, Санду, Берсе Organizations: Совет Европы Locations: Moldova, Europe, Молдова, Швейцария, Европа, Киев, Украина
The reform will focus on enhancing the efficiency and quality of the public service and structural changes to modernize the state and achieve European integration. The programme further prioritizes among its objectives to advance the reform of public administration at central and local level. One of the pillars of the Strategy is the reformation of the local public administration that is linked mainly to the facilitation of the voluntary amalgamation process. The Project Specialist will facilitate the coordination of the interventions related to the local public administration reform and territorial-administrative reform. The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Office and the Organisation.
Organizations: Equity, UNDP, of, European, European Moldova government, European Union, Administration, Administration Reform, Government, Local Public Authorities, Chancellery, Ministry of Finance, SC, Mobilization, GE, Knowledge Management, Organisation, Local, Communications, Office, inclusivity, Management, UNDP System, UNDP Project, United Nations Locations: Republic of Moldova, European Moldova, EU, Moldova, Ukraine, Government, PARS, Russian
Thematic priorities for work are: Strengthening the rule of law and accountability for human rights violations; Enhancing equality and countering discrimination Integrating human rights in sustainable development; and Enhancing civic space and people’s participation. Knowledge of institutional mandates of human rights organizations, prevailing policies, and procedures. Research and analytical skills, including the ability to identify and participate in the resolution of human rights issues. Research and analytical skills, including the ability to identify and participate in the resolution of human rights issues. Experience:Up to 2 years of professional experience in the promotion and protection of human rights and related areas.
Persons: OHCHR Organizations: Moldovan Nationals, Human, UN RC Office, UN, Team, Government, Rights, OHCHR, United Nations Locations: Moldova, Transnistrian
ENThe German Development Cooperation through GIZ is looking for a to offer support to the Ministry of Justice in broadcasting of the videos to promote the results of the anticorruption reform within its project “Strengthening the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Mechanisms in the Republic of Moldova (ACT Project)”. The tender is open to private companies resident in the Republic of Moldova, established and operating in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Moldova. For the Terms of Reference and eventual questions please address a message to the e-mail:, indicating the tender number in the message title not later than February 7, 2024. Personnel concept according to the ToR, including CV’s of the proposed key experts. Copy of the company registration certificate in the Republic of Moldova, any available license, permits, professional qualification certificate available.
Persons: Moldovan, Stefan cel Mare, ofertantul, GIZ, cel Mare Organizations: German, tender, Financial, Justiției Locations: Moldova, sealed, Chisinau, Chișinău, GIZ, Republica Moldova, Republicii Moldova
В выступлении она заявила, что война в Украине направлена на уничтожение этой страны и украинцев как нации. Сегодня Россия хочет контролировать бывшие советские республики, как в прошлом она контролировала страны Центральной и Восточной Европы», — сказала Санду. О борьбе с дезинформациейГлава государства предложила назначить директором Центра стратегических коммуникаций и борьбы с дезинформацией бывшего министра внутренних дел Анну Ревенко. Если говорить о борьбе с коррупцией, международная организация Transparency International в 2022 году отдала Молдове 91 место. Причиной стало заявление Киронды во время теледебатов о том, что Чебан «использует должность мэра исключительно в своих политических интересах».
Persons: Майя Санду, Санду, Анна Ревенко, Ревенко, Александр Нугманов, Чебан, КирондеКандидат, Виктор Киронда, Ион Чебан, Киронды, Киронда, Пресссекретарь Генинспектората, шораз, Иланом Шором, Дональд Туск, Саломе Зурабишвили, Тит, Серджиус Чокану Organizations: TV8, ЧехииГлава, Центр стратегических коммуникаций и борьба с, Альянс, Европейский суд по правам человека, Досудиться до ЕС, Генеральный инспектората, Молдавское село, Моя мечта, МИДЕИ, миреОчень, Право и справедливость, Гражданская коалиция, Новые левые, Конституционный суд, ЦИК Locations: WJP, Чехия, Украина, Россия, Молдова, Центральная, Восточная Европа, Европейский союз, Болгария, Румыния, Латвии, Эстонии, Кишинев, Израиль, Ближний ВостокеИзраильскопалестинская, Газа, Рафах, Египет, Европа, Польша, Брюссель, Грузия, Триумфальная арка
В прошлом году общий индекс Молдовы составил 0,52. Если сравнивать со странами, которые вступили в ЕС в ходе трех последних этапов расширения, то к Молдове ближе всего Болгария, занявшая в 2022 году 60 место. За год до вступления Хорватии в ЕС индекс восприятия коррупции в этой стране составлял 46, а в год вступления (2013 год) — 48. В некоторых случаях, до вступления в ЕС, граждане этих стран подавали намного больше жалоб, чем это делают жители Молдовы. «Все решения ЕСПЧ находятся под постоянным мониторингом Комитета министров Совета Европы.
Persons: NM, Вадим Виеру, человекаВсе, Виеру Organizations: Transparency, законаСогласно, коррупцииМеждународная, Европейский союз, Европейский суд, Совет Европы, ЕСПЧ, Комитет министров Locations: ., , Молдова, Европейский союз, ЕС, Болгария, Хорватия, Румыния, Польша, Латвия, Литва, Эстония, Евросоюз
В Нью-Йорке за несколько часов выпала месячная норма осадков, из-за чего некоторые районы города затопило. Об этом 29 сентября сообщает издание «Медуза». of Homeland Security & Emergency Services (@NYSDHSES) September 29, 2023В пятницу, 29 сентября, в Бруклине за несколько часов выпало более 11 сантиметров осадков, что примерно соответствует месячной норме. Emergency in nyc — EveryThing Plus ULTRA (@EveryTPlusULTRA) September 29, 2023Southern Brooklyn is flooded, please head warnings. ⁦@NWSNewYorkNY⁩ — Mike_W 🟦 (@WeinbergerMike1) September 29, 2023Подписывайтесь на наш Telegram-канал @newsmakerlive.
Persons: z4w7a9NFlu, Кэти Хокул Organizations: Homeland Security, Emergency Services, Медуза Locations: z4w7a9NFlu —, Southern Brooklyn, ньюйорк, НьюЙорк, ГудзонВэлли, Бруклин, Манхэттен, Подписывающиеся, Молдова
The German Development Cooperation through GIZ is announcing a tender for the procurement of visibility materials for NAC anticorruption volunteers, within its project “Strengthening the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Mechanisms in the Republic of Moldova”. To request the technical specifications and for clarifications regarding the tender, contact the e-mail address, not later than 11.09.2023, 15:00. Copy of company registration certificate (registration in the Republic of Moldova), as well as other related licenses and permissions; No-debt certificate from the Moldovan State Inspection or copy of the latest financial report. All documents shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, showing the tender name and number (91174935) on it. The applications shall be delivered to the address of GIZ Office Chisinau.
Persons: Stefan cel, MDL la cota, Profilul, Datele, numărului, Ofertele Organizations: German, Cooperation, GIZ, NAC anticorruption, Moldovan, NBC, National Business Center, CNA, în, Republica Moldova ”, TVA, Oficiului GIZ Locations: Republic of Moldova, moldova, MDL, Chisinau, Oficiului GIZ Chisinau
The tender is open to private companies, consortia, resident in the Republic of Moldova, established and operating in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Moldova. Proof of the number of permanent employees as of 31.12.2022 with at least 5 employees. Personnel concept according to the ToR, including CV’s of the proposed key experts. Copy of the company registration certificate in the Republic of Moldova, any available license, permits, professional qualification certificate available. Bids evaluation will be performed based on the ratio 70% for the technical offer and 30% for the financial offer.
Total: 25