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Caritas Moldova solicită ofertă de preț pentru servicii de pregătire a solului pentru plantare. Caritas Moldova solicită ofertă de preț pentru servicii de pregătire a solului (suprafața de 6,0 ha) în s. Carahasani, r-nul Ștefan Vodă. Achiziția se realizează în cadrul proiectului: „Social planting of saplings - a new way to combat deforestation, the energy crisis and unemployment in the Republic of Moldova”, proiect nr. Companiile interesate sunt rugate să trimită oferta completă, care va conține:Costul serviciilor prestate în MDL, cu TVA 0%;Data exactă când este posibilă efectuarea serviciilor de pregătire a solului;Numărul de zile necesar pentru pregătirea solului. În lipsa acestuia, Fundația de Binefacere Caritas Moldova nu își asumă responsabilitatea pentru dosarele electronice expediate, care nu au fost recepționate.
Persons: ., Vodă . Organizations: Caritas, Caritas Moldova Locations: Caritas Moldova, Moldova
Abonează-te la rubricile dorite și primește zilnic notificări pe email cu link-uri la articolele care au fost adăugate în ultimele 24 de ore. Notificările vor fi expediate la adresa indicată mai jos. Dacă dorești să schimbi adresa - o poți modifica editând informația de profil aici.
Persons: Notificările
Fundația de Binefacere Caritas Moldova solicită oferte în cadrul licitației internaționale pentru achiziționarea butașilor lemnificați de paulownia destinate inființării plantației de paulownia în toamna anului 2024. - Livrarea butașilor lemnificați se va face la depozitul cumpărătorului, din contul vânzătorului, preventiv convenit cu reprezentanții Fundației de Binefacere Caritas Moldova. După expedierea dosarului, vă rugăm să confirmați primirea acestuia de către Fundația de Binefacere Caritas Moldova printr-un e-mail de confirmare. Fundația de Binefacere Caritas Moldova este responsabilă numai pentru dosarele confirmate. În cazul unor neclarități minore în documentele primite, Fundația de Binefacere Caritas Moldova va informa ofertantul pentru clarificări.
Organizations: Caritas Moldova, Caritas, Uniunii Europene.Se, Uniunii Europene, UE, Octombrie Locations: Moldova, RM, Romania, Ungaria, Italia, Republicii Moldova, buc, Caritas Moldova
Abonează-te la rubricile dorite și primește zilnic notificări pe email cu link-uri la articolele care au fost adăugate în ultimele 24 de ore. Notificările vor fi expediate la adresa indicată mai jos. Dacă dorești să schimbi adresa - o poți modifica editând informația de profil aici.
Persons: Notificările
Fundația de Binefacere Caritas Moldova solicită oferte de preț în cadrul licitației locale pentru achiziționarea terenului agricol. Fundația de Binefacere Caritas Moldova ONG cu sprijinul Caritas Slovakia și cu ajutorul financiar al SlovakAid solicită oferte de preț pentru achiziționarea terenului agricol cu suprafața de 6,50 -7 ha pentru implementarea proiectului comun. Traducere:,, Plantarea socială a copacilor - o nouă modalitate de combatere a defrișărilor, a crizei energetice și a șomajului în RM’’, proiect nr. În cazul în care există erori aritmetice nesemnificative, acestea vor fi corectate de către Fundația de Binefacere Caritas Moldova. Fundația de Binefacere Caritas Moldova nu va lua în considerare dosarele depuse după termenul limită.
Persons: ofertantul, Cantemir, Ștefan Vodă Organizations: Caritas Moldova, Caritas, RM, Fiscal Locations: Moldova, Republica Moldova, Dubăsari, Criuleni, Hâncești, Strășeni, Călărași, Ungheni, Sîngerei, Telenești, Fălești, Florești, Șoldănești, Orhei, Glodeni, Rîșcani, Edineț, Caritas Moldova
Since the beginning of the Ukraine refugee crisis in February 2022, WFP set up operations in Moldova to assist in the refugee response. Contribute towards the development of procurement plans and processes ensuring compliance with wider procurement policies and WFP standards. issue tenders, evaluate offers and negotiate/award contracts), following standard processes to contributing to successful procurement of food and non-food commodities or services. Support training of WFP staff to take a strategic and proactive approach to the procurement of food and non-food commodities and services, for example designing and reviewing training materials. It is open to all and collaborative and contributes to a culture of learning and personal development.
Persons: numerar, 🚩, mme, ros, ove, ) ➡, ake, roa, Ed, xu, ina, lett Organizations: WFP, iCS, nal, nsu, imi, ppl
Cercetătorii Universității de Stat din Moldova s-au întors cu două premii speciale, șapte medalii de aur, șase de argint, două medalii de bronz și două diplome de excelență, de la una dintre cele mai importante manifestări expoziționale științifice organizate în Sud-Estul Europei – Expoziția Europeană a Creativității și Inovării EUROINVENT, care a avut loc în perioada 6-8 iunie 2024, la Iași. În cadrul festivității de decernare a premiilor speciale, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova a acordat două Premii speciale instituțiilor participante la expoziție. Expoziția EUROINVENT, aflată la cea de-a XVI-a ediție a reunit, pe parcursul a trei zile, cercetători și inventatori din 33 de țări, care au prezentat 648 de invenții și proiecte de cercetare. Acest salon s-a desfășurat sub înaltul Patronaj al Ministerului Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării al României, oganizat de către Forumul Inventatorilor Români, Centrul de Informare Europe Direct Iasi, Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe ASACHI”, Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan CUZA” din Iași și alți parteneri. Invențiile și proiectele de cercetare ale Universității de Stat din Moldova au fost apreciate de către Juriul internațional astfel:Nr.
Persons: Tudor LUPAȘCU, Oleg PETUHOV, waters, Gheorghe ASACHI, Universitatea Tehnică „ Gheorghe ASACHI, Alexandru Ioan CUZA, PETUHOV, LUPASCU, Aurelian GULEA, Emil, Vasilii GRAUR, Greta BĂLAN, Carolina LOZAN, Victor ŢAPCOV, Ion TODERAȘ, Vasile LOZAN, Emil CEBAN, Dorin ISTRATI, Lilian CĂLĂRAŞ, BĂLAN, Olga, Lilia CROITOR, KULICOVA, Galina LUPASCU, Eugenia, Serghei POGREBNOI, Natalia, Lucian, Svetlana GAVZER, Nicolae CRISTEA 1, Svetlana COJOCARU, Alexandru, Ştefan RUSU, Dumitru ERHAN, Anatol SAVIN, Maria ZAMORNEA, Oleg CHIHAI, RUSU, Ion GOLOGAN, Oleg CREPIS, Dumitru BULAT, Elena, Denis BULAT, Argint Aurelian GULEA, Sergiu DOBROJAN, Victor MELNIC, Galina DOBROJAN, Valentina, Sergiu, FURDUI, CRETU Roman, ȚURCANU, Marian JALENCU, Mihail CARAMAN, Alexandr A ., Florentin PALADI, Petru SPĂTARU, Tudor SPĂTARU, Igor POVAR, Dan, MUNTEANU, Nicolae, Maria COJOCARU Organizations: Universității, Stat, Expoziția Europeană, Universității de Stat, Universității de Științe, Medicină Veterinară, Universitatea de Stat, Universității Tehnice, Universității POLITEHNICA București, Cercetării, Europe, Universitatea Tehnică „ Gheorghe, Universitatea, Alexandru, Universitatea de, Argint Locations: Moldova, Sud, Europei, Iași, Universității de, București, Inovării, României, Iasi, Bucureşti, Roman, Vasile LOZAN New antibacterial, New Tomato, Tinca tinca
Andersen Fest transformă parcarea de la Andersen Buiucani, situată pe strada Onisifor Ghibu 10, într-un regat magic în aer liber. Acest eveniment va fi desfășurat sub cerul senin între orele 15.00 și 19.00, promite distracție și show-uri pentru toate vârstele. Parada eroilor de la Andersen Show va aduce personaje din diverse universuri fantastice, completând atmosfera de basm. La fel show-ul bulelor de săpun va surprinde cât pe cei mici atât și pe cei mari. Detalii suplimentare despre Andersen Fest pot fi obținute apelând la 078886000.
Persons: Andersen, Onisifor Ghibu, Irina, Scarlat Organizations: Sis Locations: Andersen Fest, Buiucani, Sis and
Andersen Fest превращает парковку у Andersen Buiucani, расположенную на улице Онисифор Гибу 10, в волшебное королевство под открытым небом. С 15:00 до 19:00 вас ждет неповторимое мероприятие, которое обещает развлечения и шоу для всех возрастов. Все представленные активности будут проходить под открытым небом, обеспечивая безопасный и приятный опыт для всех. Дополнительную информацию о Andersen Fest можно получить по телефону 078886000. Напоминаем, что все мероприятие бесплатно и предназначено для того, чтобы подарить день праздника под открытым небом для всей семьи!
Persons: Andersen, Bro Irina Pavlovskaya, Камелии Мельник, Кристина Скарлат Organizations: Andersen Fest Locations: Sis, Онисифор Гибу
CONSULTANCY ON CONDUCTING NEEDS ASSESSMENT IN THE FIELD OF MIGRATION IN MOLDOVAPeople in Need in Moldova is searching for a consultant to conduct a needs assessment research study on Migration and Migrants in Moldova to support the PIN initiative titled 'Cities and Regions for All.' People in Need has been helping in crisis-affected areas and promoting respect for human rights since 1992, and active in Moldova since 2003. In addition, the Government of Moldova approved the “National program to stimulate returns and facilitate the (re)integration of citizens of the Republic of Moldova involved in the migration process for the years 2023-2027”. ICMPD Moldova – International Centre for Migration Policy Development, World Bank in Moldova) active in the field of migrationINGOs active in the field of migration (e.g. MethodologyResearch Questions and Detailing of the Research QuestionsIndicatorsMethods of Data Collection, Data Sources and AnalysisSampling ApproachManagement of the needs assessmentLimitations to the needs assessmentIII.
Persons: CSOs, Moldova’s Organizations: Migrants, Regions, Refugees, EU, Social Assistance, Territorial, Social, Territorial Agencies, Ministry of Labour, Social Protection Ministry of Education and Research Ministry, Internal Affairs, Migration, Local Authorities, CDA, Centre, Refugees – CCR, The Alliance, Active, UN, IOM, UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF, ILO, ICMPD Moldova – International, for Migration Policy, World Bank, European Association of Service, HIAS, HOPE Moldova, INGO, Logistics Locations: MOLDOVA, Moldova, Czech, Russia, Ukraine, Central Europe, Government, Republic of Moldova, Roma, Chisinau Municipality, Balti Municipality, Comrat, Iași, Romania, Botoşani, Sector, București, ICMPD, HIAS Moldova, ISSA Moldova, Balti, Cahul, Chisinau, Romanian, Russian,, moldova
Duties and ResponsibilitiesThe Project Analyst will be part of the Project Management Team (PMT) and will, under the overall supervision of the Project Manager, be responsible for managing the successful implementation of the project activities. The incumbent will ensure the provision of development services and products (commensurate with the scope of the project) of the highest quality and standards to national counterparts and clients. Design, plan and monitor project activities, under the supervision of the Project Manager. Institutional ArrangementUnder the overall guidance and supervision of the Project Manager, the Project Analyst/Business Development contributes to the effective and efficient implementation of the business development activities, through a range of actions contributing to the design, planning, management and monitoring of project activities. The Project Analyst on Business Development works in close collaboration with the Project Team, and other project teams in the Country Office (CO) for effective achievement of results, anticipating and resolving complex programme/project-related issues and information delivery.
Organizations: Equity, UNDP, Trade, British Governments, United Nations Development Program, Project Management, Timely, Project, Business Development, Project Team, Country Office, UNDP Project, United Nations Locations: Transnistrian, Swedish, Nistru, Moldova
Fundația de Binefacere Caritas Moldova solicită oferte în cadrul licitației locale pentru achiziționarea arborilor de Paulownia destinați plantării. Fundația de Binefacere Caritas Moldova, cu sprijinul Caritas Slovakia și ajutorul financiar al SlovakAid, solicită oferte de preț pentru achiziționarea arborilor de Paulownia destinați plantării. - Livrarea puieților se va face la locul plantării din contul vânzătorului, conform datei convenite cu Fundația de Binefacere Caritas Moldova. După expedierea dosarului, vă rugăm să confirmați primirea acestuia de către Fundația de Binefacere Caritas Moldova printr-un e-mail de confirmare. În cazul unor neclarități minore în documentele primite, Fundația de Binefacere Caritas Moldova va informa ofertantul pentru clarificări.
Organizations: Caritas Moldova, Caritas Locations: Moldova, Republica Moldova, Comrat, Caritas Moldova
During 2024 – 2027, UNDP and UNICEF will jointly implement the Project “Advancing Quality Education and Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All”, funded by the European Union. Duties and ResponsibilitiesThe Project Learning Environment Analyst will be part of the Project Management Team (PMT) and will, under the overall supervision of the Project Manager, be responsible for managing the successful implementation of the project activities. The incumbent will ensure the provision of development services and products (commensurate with the scope of the project) of the highest quality and standards to national counterparts. Identify, synthesize and document best practices and lessons learned that are generated from the project and implementing partners. Institutional ArrangementUnder the overall guidance and supervision of the Project Manager, the Project Learning Environment Analyst contributes to the effective and efficient implementation of the activities related to improving learning environment, through a range of actions contributing to the design, planning, management and monitoring of project activities.
Organizations: Equity, UNDP, UNICEF, Education, European Union, of Education, Research, Project Management, Timely, Project, UN, Learning, Project Team, Country Office, United Nations Locations: Republic of Moldova, Moldova, Russian
Duties and ResponsibilitiesThe Project Component Manager will provide effective and efficient management of the assigned projects through a range of actions contributing to the design, planning, management and monitoring of project activities. He/she is responsible and accountable to the Project Board for the project results within the limits of assigned project components. Coordinate and manage the day-to-day activities of the assigned projects and the overall implementation process, including planning and monitoring in order to optimize the use of resources and to ensure the successful achievement of project objectives and results specified in project document. Identify, synthesize and document best practices and lessons learned that are generated from the project and implementing partners. The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Office and the Organization.
Organizations: Equity, UNDP, Ministry of Internal, Public, Law, U.S . Government, Project Board, UNDP POPP, Project, Finance, Organization, Communications, Country Office, Engage, Management, Business, Business Management, Security, Human Rights, UNDP Project, . Government, United Nations Locations: UNDP Moldova, Cybercrime, Moldova, Romanian
Local governance institutions and community stakeholders lack the organizational and technical capacities to carry out participatory integrated water resource management and flood risk assessment and management. The last target group of the project is the private sector who rent the hydra-technical infrastructure form the LPAs and who have the role of water users. Duties and ResponsibilitiesUnder the guidance and direct supervision of the Climate Change, Environment and Energy Programme Analyst, the incumbent provides effective and efficient coordination of the Flood Management Project, through a range of actions contributing to the design, planning, management and monitoring of project activities. The information provided facilitates decision-making of the Project Board, the Beneficiary and UNDP management. The Project Manager will coordinate the project team, consisting of up to 6 full time employees and part time consultants, as envisaged in project organizational chart.
Persons: , inclusivity, ´ Organizations: Equity, UNDP, State Hydro, SHS, Agency, Local, Authorities, Ministry, Environment, Austrian Development Agency, Energy, Flood, Knowledge Management, Organization, Project Board, GE, Communications, Office, Government, Engage, Management, Management Project, Business Management, Knowledge, UN, DP Project, United Nations Locations: Moldova, Soviet, Dniester, Romanian
Centrul de Drept al Avocatilor - Service contract Lead Expert at the Analytical Unit for Evaluating the Impact of Foreign Aid within State ChancelleryCentrul de Drept al Avocatilor is looking for qualified persons for Lead Expert at the Analytical Unit for Evaluating the Impact of Foreign Aid within State Chancellery. TERMS OF REFERENCEJob title: Lead Expert at the Analytical Unit for Evaluating the Impact of Foreign Aid within State Chancellery to support the “Legal assistance to refugees, asylum-seekers and stateless persons” projects. The State Chancellery, particularly the office of the Prime Minister, recognizes the critical need for a specialized team called the Analytical Unit for Evaluating the Impact of Foreign Assistance in the Republic of Moldova. Provide an outline of the tasks and functions of the Impact unit:Draft clear ToRs for the Analytical Impact Unit, clearly setting out the problem statement, scope, activities, timeline, institutional set-up and overview of assistance needs, which is currently missing. All documentation related to the assignment will remain the property of the State Chancellery after completion of the assignment.
Persons: Centrul, al, DELIVERABLES Organizations: Analytical, Foreign Aid, Chancellery, Foreign Assistance, Unit, Government of, Political, Public, International Relations, Sociology Locations: Chisinau, Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Europe, Ukraine, Ukrainian, Moldova's, Government, Government of Moldova
The country has synchronized its electricity network with the ENTSO-E to connect to European electricity market. The EU has urged Moldova to ensure that the energy sector reform demonstrates full respect of the Energy Community acquis and is in line with the EU Third Energy Package. Strengthen Inclusive Energy Governance: The Programme recognizes the importance of inclusive energy governance at both the national and local levels. It aims to strengthen the capacity of relevant institutions and stakeholders to effectively govern and manage the energy sector. Duties and ResponsibilitiesUnder the guidance and direct supervision of the Project Manager, the Communication Analyst shall contribute to an effective and efficient implementation of the project’s communication and outreach plan, contributing to an increased visibility of the project.
Persons: ´ Organizations: Equity, UNDP, Energy, Treaty, EU, Government, EU Clean Energy, Moldovan, Continental European Network, Decarbonizing Industries, Economic, Foster, Communications, Donor, Skilled, UN, United Nations Locations: Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Government, Romanian
The reform will focus on enhancing the efficiency and quality of the public service and structural changes to modernize the state and achieve European integration. The programme further prioritizes among its objectives to advance the reform of public administration at central and local level. One of the pillars of the Strategy is the reformation of the local public administration that is linked mainly to the facilitation of the voluntary amalgamation process. The Project Specialist will facilitate the coordination of the interventions related to the local public administration reform and territorial-administrative reform. The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Office and the Organisation.
Organizations: Equity, UNDP, of, European, European Moldova government, European Union, Administration, Administration Reform, Government, Local Public Authorities, Chancellery, Ministry of Finance, SC, Mobilization, GE, Knowledge Management, Organisation, Local, Communications, Office, inclusivity, Management, UNDP System, UNDP Project, United Nations Locations: Republic of Moldova, European Moldova, EU, Moldova, Ukraine, Government, PARS, Russian
One of the main features of the socio-economic landscape in the Republic of Moldova is weak social cohesion. Hence, social cohesion is a fundamental concern, both horizontal (ethnic groups, people-to-people social cohesion) and vertical (social contract, people’s trust into state institutions). The Russian war in Ukraine which has led to massive refugee influx in the Republic of Moldova has also put social cohesion under test. The Project Analyst is responsible for successfully completing the below set of tasks within allotted, agreed-upon time frames. Project Management:Assume full responsibility for and manage effectively and efficiently all project activities and resources (human, financial, physical / material assets, etc.)
Organizations: Equity, UNDP, EU, Global Project, Mediation, Country Office, GE, UNDP management, Project Board, Office, Mobilization, Knowledge Management, Communications, United Nations Locations: Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, HRBA, Moldova
Strengthen Inclusive Energy Governance: The Project recognizes the importance of inclusive energy governance at both the national and local levels. Provide operations support to the Project, focusing on achievement of the following results:Ensure that UNDP procurement rules are followed during procurement activities that are carried out by the project and maintain responsibility for the inventory of the project assets. Provide financial monitoring over Project commitments and expenditures and assist the Project Manager in assuring proper Project delivery. The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Office and the Organization. Institutional ArrangementThe Project Associate will execute the duties and responsibilities outlined above under the guidance and supervision of the Project Manager.
Persons: POPP, Bachelor's Organizations: Equity, UNDP, Energy, Treaty, EU, Government, EU Clean Energy, Moldovan, Continental European Network, Decarbonizing Industries, Economic, Foster, Office, Organization, UNDP Operations Unit, Finance, Engage, Business Management, Business, Partnership, Budget, Procurement, Administration & Operations, United Nations Locations: Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Government, Romanian
Another target group is the Local Public Authorities from the selected pilot regions. The last target group of the project is the private sector who rent the hydra-technical infrastructure form the LPAs and who have the role of water users. Ensure timely submission of financial reports to the UNDP Country Office to verify the accuracy of such reports for the national partner or donor. Institutional ArrangementThe Project Associate will execute the duties and responsibilities outlined above under the guidance and supervision of the Project Manager. Desired SkillsExperience of working for international organization related to project implementation and previous experience managing UNDP projects is desirable.
Persons: , areas.Duties Organizations: Diversity, Equity, UNDP, State Hydro, SHS, Agency, Local, Authorities, Ministry, Environment, Austrian Development Agency, Office, Joint, Organization, UNDP Operations Unit, Engage, Management, Business, Budget, Procurement, Operations, Administration & Operations, Education, United Nations Locations: Moldova, Soviet, Dniester, Bulgarian
During 2024 – 2027, UNDP and UNICEF will jointly implement the Project “Advancing Quality Education and Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All”, funded by the European Union. The overall objective of the joint project Advancing Quality Education and Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All is to contribute to human capital development in the Republic of Moldova, improving quality and relevance of education and lifelong learning opportunities for all, for better matching the labor market demands. Duties and ResponsibilitiesUnder the guidance and direct supervision of the Cluster Lead, the incumbent provides effective and efficient coordination of the Advancing Quality Education and Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All Program, through a range of actions contributing to the design, planning, management and monitoring of project activities. Institutional ArrangementThe Project Manager will work under the supervision of the Inclusive Growth Cluster Lead and will ensure the provision of development services and products commensurate with the scope of the Project and assigned area of responsibility of the highest quality and standards to national and local counterparts and clients through applying HRBA and GE approaches. The Project Manager will coordinate the project team, consisting of up to 4 persons, as envisaged in project organizational chart.
Organizations: Diversity, Equity, UNDP, UNICEF, Education, European Union, of Education, Research, Knowledge Management, inclusivity, Management, UN Agencies, UN, GE, Country Office, United Nations Locations: Republic of Moldova, Moldova
The gender equality and inclusion cut across all UNDP Moldova programmatic and policy work, in line with national priorities and the 2030 Agenda. Duties and ResponsibilitiesAdvance the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) agenda of UNDP Moldova, with focus on gender mainstreaming in compliance with UNDP’s accountability frameworks and UNDP Gender Equality Strategy 2022-2025. Coordinate and guide advancement of the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) agenda of UNDP Moldova:Coordinate and support analysis and substantive inputs to the UNDP Moldova strategic documents, particularly UNDP Moldova Gender Equality Strategy 2023-2027 to be developed in line with Moldova CPD 2023-2027 and UNDP Gender Equality Strategy 2022-2025. Participate and contribute to thematic reports of the UN in Moldova on issues of inclusion and gender and lead UNDP’s contribution to the reports. Work closely with UNDP technical advisors and specialists in Moldova and in the region to identify opportunities for project development and mobilize resources and ensure linkage between programmes and projects in Moldova and those at regional and global levels.
Persons: ´ Organizations: Diversity, Equity, UNDP, UNDP Moldova Country Office, Equality, UN, Refugees, Communities, Women, Ukrainian, UNDP Moldova HR, Moldova Gender Equality, UNDP Moldova, Government, UNHCR, SES, United Nations Locations: Moldova, UNDP Moldova, East, Eastern Europe, Republic of Moldova, Istanbul
Under the direct supervision of the DRR, the Development Results and Partnerships Specialist will be responsible for the corporate planning and results reporting, implementation of UNDP monitoring and result-based management policies and strategies, management of corporate monitoring and evaluation policies, development and implementation of the CO partnership strategy, management and the CO compliance with corporate partnership procedures, and capacity development for results-based management and partnership building. The Development Results and Partnerships Specialist will lead quality assurance of the partnerships and Results Based Management (RBM) components of the CO programme and projects. The Development Results and Partnerships Specialist will also be responsible for design and implementation of the CO partnership and resources mobilization strategies to achieve programme outcomes. Ensure programme strategic planning, monitoring and reporting, and management and follow up on the country programme reviews and evaluations. Manage the implementation of the country office monitoring system through training and back up support to programme and project teams.
Organizations: Diversity, Equity, UNDP, Government, UN, Country Office, inclusivity People, Management, Business, Management Project, US Permanent, US Permanent Residents, US, United Nations
The technical offer will be weighted with 60%; the financial offer will be weighted with 40%. Develop lessons learned and based on them to apply adjustments in the implementation of the other similar programmes and to provide evidence to the revisions of procedures, models and solutions, therefore, to trigger the quality enhancement of the future programs;Identify any gaps in the communication and coordination between the different stakeholders involved, and to bring ideas on how to better bridge among partners and create synergies. The results of the evaluation and the developed lessons learned should support the programming in 2024 during the second stage of project implementation and similar in nature interventions in the future. Elaborating here on the one of the second outcome pathway only (the rest in full picture could be seen in the Annex 1). As for now, the ToR is limited to the selection of stakeholders with indication of their roles in the course of the programme.
Persons: Organizations: Czech Development Agency, Moldovan, People, Moldova ”, Milk Collection Centers, MCC, Food Safety Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, National, Republica, Country Programme, Centres, Dairy, ¬, Agriculture, National Food Safety Agency, Veterinary Association, Association, Advisory Locations: Moldova,, Czech Republic, Northern Moldova, Republica Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Romanian, Russian
Total: 25