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Nu surprinde pe nimeni că termenul „coronavirus” a fost cel mai tastat cuvânt pe motorul de internet Google şi care a înregistrat cele mai multe căutări în întreaga lume, relatează miercuri EFE, scrie agerpres.roCele mai căutate cuvinte de internauţii din întreaga lume sunt în această ordine: „coronavirus”, „election results”, „Kobe Bryant”, „zoom”, „IPL”, „India vs New Zealand”, „coronavirus update”, „coronavirus symptoms”, „Joe Biden” şi „google classroom”. Datele privind cei mai căutaţi termeni au fost publicate de Google, care a precizat că în plină pandemie mondială provocată de virusul SARS-CoV-2- căutările pe internet s-au axat majoritar asupra informaţiilor legate de criza sanitară. Google a clasificat şi care au fost ştirile care au suscitat cel mai mult interesul internauţilor din întreaga lume, mai ales cele legate de noul coronavirus şi de alegerile prezidenţiale americane, alături de căutari legate de Iran şi Beirut, hantavirus, Tesla Stock sau de mişcarea Black Lives Matter. Printre actorii care au suscitat cel mai mult interesul se numără Tom Hanks, Joaquin Phoenix, Amitabh Bachchan, Ricky Gervais, Jada Pinkett Smith, Justin Hartley, Lea Michele, Eleazar Gómez y Ansel Elgort, a anunţat Google, care a dezvăluit şi numele sportivilor cei mai căutaţi pe internet, precum Ryan Newman, Michael Jordan, Tyson Fury, Tom Brady şi Mike Tyson. Personalităţile cele mai căutate au fost în această ordine: Joe Biden, Kim Jong Un, Boris Johnson, Kamala Harris, Tom Hanks, Jacob Blake, Kanye West, Ghislaine Maxwell, August Alsina şi Ryan Newman, alături de personalităţi decedate anul acesta, cel mai căutat fiind Kobe Bryant, urmat de Naya Ribera, Chadwick Boseman, Sushant Singh Rajput şi George Floyd.
Persons: Joe Biden, Tesla, Tom Hanks, Joaquin Phoenix, Ricky Gervais, Jada, Smith, Justin Hartley, Lea Michele, Ansel, Ryan Newman, Michael Jordan, Tyson, Tom Brady, Mike Tyson, Kim Jong, Boris Johnson, Kamala Harris, Jacob Blake, Ghislaine Maxwell, August Alsina, Kobe Bryant, Ribera, Chadwick, George Floyd Organizations: Google, Black, West Locations: Kobe, India vs New Zealand, Iran, Beirut, hantavirus
La mai bine de două săptămâni de la anunţarea înfrângerii sale în alegerile prezidenţiale din SUA, Donald Trump a dat undă verde luni seară deschiderii procesului de tranziţie spre o administraţie condusă de Joe Biden, relatează Reuters. Anunțul a fost făcut de Trump pe Twitter: „Spre binele țării noastre, recomand ca Emily (Murphy, coordonatoarea serviciului de la Casa Albă care se ocupă de tranziție – n.r.) și echipa ei să facă ceea ce trebuie făcut în privința inițierii protocoalelor și i-am spus echipei mele să facă același lucru”, a scris Donald Trump. Echipa democratului a anunțat că a fost informată despre inițierea unei etape ce permite „un transfer de putere paşnic şi fără probleme”, scrie Digi24. Joe Biden anunță primele nume importante din administrația saPe de altă parte, președintele ales Joe Biden a anunțat, luni, primele nume importante din viitoarea sa administrație: secretarul de stat și echipa pentru securitate națională, toți foști colegi în administrația Obama.
Persons: Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Reuters ., Trump, Emily, Murphy, Donald J . Trump, Will, Obama, Anthony Blinken, John Kerry, Janet Yellen, . Ea Organizations: Albă, tranziţie, Partidului Democrat Locations: SUA, ., Michigan, preşedinte, Statelor Unite
Donald Trump a autorizat, luni seară, inițierea procesului de tranziţie către o nouă administraţie, condusă de Joe Biden, la mai bine de două săptămâni de când democratul l-a învins în alegerile prezidenţiale din SUA. Echipa democratului a anunțat că a fost informată despre inițierea unei etape ce permite „un transfer de putere paşnic şi fără probleme”, scrie Anunțul de la Casa Albă vine în condițiile în care luni seara a fost validat oficial rezultatul alegerilor din statul Michigan, unde învingător a fost declarat Joe Biden, o lovitură majoră pentru Donald Trump, care încă spera că mai poate întoarce rezultatul. Joe Biden a anunțat, luni, primele nume importante din viitoarea sa administrație: secretarul de stat și echipa pentru securitate națională, toți foști colegi în administrația Obama. Janet Yellen, care a fost prima femeie preşedinte a Fed (banca centrală americană) între 2014 şi 2018, este o economistă renumită şi respectată.
Persons: Donald Trump, Joe Biden, democratul, SUA ., Emily, Murphy, Donald Trump ., Donald J . Trump, Will, Trump, Obama, Anthony Blinken, John Kerry, Janet Yellen, . Ea Organizations: Albă, tranziţie, Partidului Democrat Locations: SUA, Michigan, preşedinte
Declarație Privind Constatările și Concluziile Preliminare
  + stars: | 2020-11-17 | by ( )   time to read: +9 min
Declarație Privind Constatările și Concluziile PreliminareComunicat de presă*17 noiembrie 2020 - Turul doi al alegerilor prezidențiale a fost gestionat eficient, în ciuda lipsei unei abordări proactive din partea Comisiei Electorale Centrale pentru a soluționa problemele legate de finanțarea campaniei electorale. Cu toate acestea, campania a fost marcată de atacuri la persoană și defăimare, care au eclipsat discuțiile bazate pe politici. Nonetheless, different matters regarding the conduct of the second round of the election are not sufficiently regulated. ENEMO’s international observation mission for the November Presidential Elections in Moldova is financially supported by the Delegation of the European Union, Government Offices of Sweden, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the National Democratic Institute. The content of the document is the sole responsibility of ENEMO and does not necessarily represent the position of the donors.
Persons: Sandu, Oleg Reut Organizations: CEC, Audiovizualului, AC, Delegația Uniunii Europene, Național Democrat, National Democratic Institute Locations: Moldovei, Moldova, Suediei, Regatului Țărilor de Jos, Chisinau, defamation, Mission, candidates, Nistru
В понедельник председатель Европейского совета Шарль Мишель поздравил Майю Санду с победой во втором туре президентских выборов в Молдове, заявив, что Европейский союз «готов к расширению тесного партнерства» с Кишиневом. «Поздравляю, Майя Санду, с победой на выборах. Народ Республики Молдова четко избрал путь, который ставит во главу угла справедливость, настоящую борьбу с коррупцией и более справедливое общество. ЕС готов активизировать наше тесное партнерство», — написал в своем Twitter председатель Европейского Совета. — Charles Michel (@eucopresident) November 16, 2020Напомним, Майя Санду выиграла второй тур воскресных президентских выборов в Республике Молдова, набрав 57,75% голосов по сравнению с 42,25%, полученными Игорем Додоном.
Persons: Шарль Мишель, Майя Санду, Игорь Додон Organizations: Twitter, Европейский совет, Европейский Совет Locations: Moldova, Молдова, Европейский союз, Кишинев, Республика Молдова, ЕС
Избранного президента Майю Санду 16 ноября поздравили с победой не только главы государств, но и оппозиционные лидеры. Не хватало только президента, который будет бороться с коррупцией», — написал в своем Facebook российский оппозиционер Алексей Навальный, а лидер белорусской оппозиции Светлана Тихановская восхитилась смелостью и самоотверженностью Санду. xНавальный также поздравил Молдову с первой женщиной-президентом и отметил, что теперь у страны есть все, что нужно для развития. Тихановская же отметила, что под руководством Санду молдавский народ ждет процветание, и она надеется на развитие отношений с Беларусью. — Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya (@Tsihanouskaya) November 15, 2020Напомним, что ранее Санду с победой на выборах поздравили и президенты Румынии и Украины Клаус Йоханнис и Владимир Зеленский, а также президент России Владимир Путин.
Persons: Sviatlana, Майя Санду, Алексей Навальный, Светлана Тихановская, Санду, Навальный, Тихановская, Клаус Йоханнис, Владимир Зеленский, Владимир Путин Organizations: Facebook, Moldovan Locations: Moldova, Молдова, Беларусью, Румыния, Украина, Россия, Кремль
Лидер беларусской оппозиции Светлана Тихановская поздравила нового президента Молдовы Майю Санду с победой на выборах. «Выражаю искренние поздравления Майе Санду с ее победой на президентских выборах в Молдове. I believe under her leadership Moldovan people will prosper, & relations between our nations will be developing. Согласно предварительным результатам, Майя Санду — избранный президент Молдовы. За Майю Санду проголосовало 57,71% избирателей.
Persons: Sviatlana, nokta, Светлана Тихановская, Майя Санду, Тихановкая, Игорь Додон Organizations: Twitter, Moldovan, Подсчитанное Locations: Moldova, Молдова
În mesajul Statele UniteUnite ale Americii, Maia Sandu este felicitată pentru „realizarea istorică de a fi aleasă în calitate de prima femeie președinte a Republicii Moldova.”„Începând cu 1991, Statele Unite au fost un partener devotat al Republicii Moldova. Am sprijinit poporul Republicii Moldova în eforturile depuse de acesta pentru a-și consolida democrația și a construi un viitor mai prosper pentru propria țară. Liderii Republicii Moldova ar trebui acum să conlucreze pentru a face față continuei pandemii de Covid-19, pentru a dezvolta economia Republicii Moldova, pentru a-i consolida instituțiile democratice și pentru a-i apăra suveranitatea și integritatea teritorială. Statele Unite vor sprijini cu fermitate aceste eforturi”, scrie în mesajul oficial al SUA. Poporul Republicii Moldova a ales clar un drum care prioritizează justiţia, lupta reală împotriva corupţiei şi o societate mai dreaptă”, a scris preşedintele Consiliului European, Charles Michel, pe contul său de Twitter.
Persons: Maia Sandu, Charles Michel Locations: Americii, Republicii Moldova, Statele Unite, Moldova, SUA, Moldova 🇲🇩 h
Светлана Тихановская поздравила Майю Санду с победой: «Я глубоко впечатлена ее смелостью и самоотдачей»Экс-кандидат в президенты Республики Беларусь на выборах 2020 года и лидер оппозиции Светлана Тихановская поздравила Майю Санду с победой на президентских выборах 15 ноября. «Выражаю искренние поздравления Майе Санду с победой на президентских выборах в Молдове. Я глубоко впечатлена ее смелостью и самоотдачей. Я верю, что под ее руководством молдавский народ будет процветать, а отношения между нашими народами будут развиваться », – написала Тихановская в Twitter. I believe under her leadership Moldovan people will prosper, & relations between our nations will be developing.
Persons: Sviatlana, Светлана Тихановская, Майя Санду, Экскандидат, Тихановская, Игорь Додон Organizations: Twitter, Moldovan, Действие и солидарность Locations: Moldova, Республика Беларусь, Молдова
5.81% of voters cast ballots by 9am
  + stars: | 2020-11-15 | by ( )   time to read: +1 min
5.81% of voters cast ballots by 9amThe voter turnout in the presidential runoff was 5.81% on 9am, which is about 164,000 electors voted by that hour. This age category is followed by voters aged between 41 and 55 (25.54%), those aged between 26 and 40 (16.22%), those 71 and older (10.90%) and those aged between 18 and 25 (4.77%). Campaigning on the Election Day is banned as are the covering of electioneering activities and the appearance of candidates on radio and TV programs. In the runoff vote, the elections are declared valid regardless of the voter turnout. If both of the candidates get the same score, the candidate who gained more votes in the first round emerges victorious.
Locations: Chisinau, Moldova
CEC: Mass mobilization is witnessed in runoff
  + stars: | 2020-11-15 | by ( )   time to read: +1 min
CEC: Mass mobilization is witnessed in runoffThe voter turnout at 12 noon was 22.6%. Representatives of the Central Election Commission noted the mass mobilization among the voters in the county and abroad, IPN reports. This refers to the polling stations in Paris, Brussels, Berlin, London etc. Mobilization is also witnessed at the 42 polling stations intended for voters residing in the Transnistrian region. Vladimir Șarban noted that the situation at the polling stations where tensions existed in the November 1 elections is being monitored.
Persons: Vladimir Șarban Organizations: Commission, Russian Federation Locations: Paris, Brussels, Berlin, London, Russian, Transnistrian
Out-of-country polling stations running out of ballots
  + stars: | 2020-11-15 | by ( )   time to read: +1 min
Out-of-country polling stations running out of ballotsThe right to vote at some of the out-of-country polling stations has been realized by more than 3,000 persons at a polling station and there is a risk that the ballots will not be enough in number as one polling place was supplied with at most 5,000 ballots, Central Election Commission vice president Vladimir Șarban stated. Over 148,000 people have voted at out-of-country polling stations so far. The voters are urged to go to the polling stations where there are no lines or these are short, IPN reports. About 22,000 voters have cast their ballots by now at the 42 polling stations intended for voters from the Transnistrian region, Bender municipality and some of the localities of Căușeni district. In three localities, voting takes place in tents as no spaces for establishing polling stations could be identified there.
Persons: Vladimir Șarban, Bogdanovca Organizations: Central, Commission Locations: Transnistrian, Bender, Căușeni district, Bubuieci, Ialoveni
Polling stations all over Moldova opened
  + stars: | 2020-11-15 | by ( )   time to read: +1 min
Polling stations all over Moldova openedAll the polling stations in Moldova started work and no incidents that could influence or endanger the electoral process were reported. In a press briefing, vice president of the Central Election Commission Vladimir Șarban said voting today takes place in the same conditions as in the first round of November 1. The polling station in Strasbourg, France, will be open between 7am and 8pm, the polling station in Baku, Azerbaijan, will work between 7am and 6pm, while polling station No. If both of the candidates get the same score, the candidate who gained more votes in the first round emerges victorious. The polling stations in Moldova are open between 7am and 9pm.
Persons: Vladimir Șarban Organizations: Moldova, Russian Federation Locations: Moldova, Japan, China, Azerbaijan, Transnistrian, Bender, Căușeni district, Strasbourg, France, Baku, Budapest, Hungary
Number of voters at some of out-of-country polling stations exceed 4,000By over 4,000 people cast their ballots at the polling stations established in Montreuil in France and Frankfurt am Main in Germany by 5pm, the Central Election Commission has said. Crowds also appeared at other polling stations. More than 3,000 voters already marked their ballots at polling stations in London and Northampton in the UK, in Berlin, Hamburg and Munich in Germany, in Parma, Bologna, Padova, Verona, Brescia, Milan and Treviso in Italy, and in France’s Paris and Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, IPN reports. As the ballots are marked according to the number of the polling station, it is not possible to transfer these from one polling station to another. The voters are urged to go to the less crowded polling stations.
Organizations: Treviso, Villeneuve Locations: Montreuil, France, Frankfurt, Germany, London, Northampton, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Parma, Bologna, Padova, Verona, Brescia, Milan, Italy, France’s Paris
Bomb scare at polling station in Germany. Voting interrupted
  + stars: | 2020-11-15 | by ( )   time to read: +1 min
Bomb scare at polling station in Germany. Voting interruptedRepresentatives of the Police in Germany’s Frankfurt said they received a phone call by which a person informed that a bomb was planted at polling station No. 1/349 in Frankfurt that was established for the presidential elections of the Republic of Moldova, IPN reports. The functionaries of the electoral bureau are assessing the situation and will swiftly take decisions as to the further functioning of the polling place. (1) of the Electoral Code – endangerment of voters – the head of the electoral bureau of polling station No.
Organizations: Police Locations: Germany, Germany’s Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Republic of Moldova
Susținătorii lui Trump organizează manifestări, inclusiv un mare miting al mişcării MAGA (Make America Great Again) în capitala SUA, unde se aşteaptă să se adune un număr mare de participanți. Președintele Donald Trump s-a referit la posibilitatea de a se alătura unui miting amplu organizat de susținători, programat pentru sâmbătă la Washington, DC. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 13, 2020​Dacă Trump apare sâmbătă în fața susținătorilor săi, va fi primul său miting la care participă de la ziua alegerilor. Până astăzi, marile canale de presă americane l-au prezentat pe Biden drept următorul președinte, deși statele nu au certificat încă rezultatele alegerilor. În prezent, un audit post-electoral este în desfășurare în statul Georgia, iar oficialii din statul Wisconsin se pregătesc pentru o posibilă renumărare.
Persons: Trump, Președintele Donald Trump, Donald J . Trump, Biden Organizations: Sputnik Locations: SUA, BUCUREŞTI, Washington, D.C, Georgia, Wisconsin
The EU and the “changing” Eastern neighborhood - between “post-factum diplomacy” and realpolitik, Analysis by Dionis CenușăOp-EdThe diversity of realities in Eastern Europe requires from the EU a "differentiated diplomacy" which emerges from the dynamics of local and external factors, dominant in the region ...Dionis Cenuşa, Senior ContributorThe European strategy for the Eastern Neighborhood is losing ground to the ever-changing reality. It is these shortcomings that define European diplomacy of post-factum, which remains relevant in 2020. First of all, Russia has structural levers that can influence the situation on the ground in the Eastern Partnership states. Instead, the emphasis of Westerners is on calming the political situation, without encouraging the opposition to annul the results of the parliamentary elections. Dionis Cenuşa, Senior Contributor Dionis Cenuşa, Senior ContributorAreas of research: European Neighborhood Policy, EU-Moldova relationship, EU's foreign policy and Russia, migration and energy security.
Persons: Cenușă, Dionis Cenuşa, Volodymyr Zelensky, Zelensky, Maia Sandu's, Fiasco, Igor Dodon, Maia Sandu, Vladimir Putin, oligarch Bidzina, Ivanishvili, Nikol, , Ilham Aliyev's, Alexander Lukashenko, Lukashenko, Hanns Seidel Organizations: EU, European People's Party, Social Democrats, Eastern Partnership, Eastern, Constitutional, Socialist, OSCE, Moldovan, Russian, Hanns Seidel Foundation, IPN Press Agency, Policy, Institute of Political Sciences, Liebig, Justus University, College of Europe, Twitter Locations: Eastern Europe, EU, Belarus, Nagorno, Karabakh, Brussels, Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Russian, Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Chisinau, Moldovan, Turkey, South Caucasus, Yerevan, Moscow, Baku, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Iran, Ankara, Minsk, Belarusian, Giessen, Germany
Same number of out-of country polling stations, with some of address changesA confirmed number of 139 polling stations will be established abroad for the November 15 runoff vote. According to the authorities, to avoid crowdedness, the polling stations in a number of European cities will be relocated. The polling station in Strasbourg will be open between 7am and 8pm, while the polling station in Baku will work between 7am and 6pm. These are the polling stations in Frankfurt, Munich, Milan, Parma, Verona, Bologna, London, Tel Aviv. There are only six polling stations for a large number of voters and they fear the number of ballots can be insufficient.
Persons: crowdedness, Dorin Cimil, Eugeniu Revenco, Germany Oleg Serebrian, Angela Ponomaryov, Italy Anatolie Urecheanu Organizations: Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Election, Moldova’s Embassy Locations: Strasbourg, Baku, Frankfurt, Munich, Milan, Parma, Verona, Bologna, London, Tel Aviv, Republic of Moldova, Germany, Italy, Presidenziali Moldova, Moldova, France
Ion Chicu: Cabinet reshuffles are possible, starting from Premier
  + stars: | 2020-11-13 | by ( )   time to read: +1 min
Ion Chicu: Cabinet reshuffles are possible, starting from PremierPrime Minister Ion Chicu said that Cabinet reshuffles are possible, starting from the Prime Minister and ending with any Cabinet member. The reasons for the reshuffling include the results of the assessment of performance and also the political activity, IPN reports. In the election campaign, you probably saw that we kept far from campaigning and didn’t appear on TV platforms. The Premier thanked the colleagues who recently left Cabinet – the ministers proposed by the Democratic Party. Ion Chicu noted that the ministers didn’t leave because of poor results, but because the party that fielded them withdrew them.
Persons: Ion Chicu, Chicu, , , Organizations: Premier, Democratic Party
Professionals’ Movement “Speranța” seeks annulment of registration of both candidates for PresidentThe Professionals’ Movement “Speranța” will file an application to the Central Election Commission for this to annul the registration of both of the candidates for President, Maia Sandu and Igor Dodon, because it has evidence that not all the printed electoral materials were declared by the two. Monitoring all the candidates and parties during the election campaign and seeing how they conducted the campaign, we reached a clear conclusion – that they are all the same,” he stated. The head of the Professionals’ Movement “Speranța” noted there are hundreds of thousands of people who already do not believe in anyone, in any of the parties. Igor Dodon distorts the number of copies of printed electoral materials, while Maia Sandu says nothing about the number of printed flyers and newspapers, the publishing house or the costs incurred. “For us, they are both bad as nothing has been done for this country during many years and they remember the pensioners and invalids only in an election campaign.
Persons: Speranța ”, Maia Sandu, Igor Dodon, Andrei Donică, , ” Andrei Donică, Donică Organizations: Commission, IPN, didn’t, Professionals
Transnistrians will be able to freely pass to right side of the Nistru to voteThe inhabitants of the Transnistrian region who have Moldovan identification papers will be able to move freely to the polling stations established on the right bank of the Nistru to vote in the presidential runoff on November 15. The Transnistrian authorities said the movement rules on November 15 are the same as those applied in the first round of voting on November 1, IPN reports. If they don’t provide confirmation, the persons will have to self-isolate for two weeks, as all those who cross the administrative line. For the presidential elections, the Central Election Commission decided to establish 42 polling stations for voters residing in the Transnistrian region, in Bender municipality and in some of the villages of Căușeni district on the right side of the Nistru. More than 14,000 voters cast their ballots at the 42 polling stations in the first round of voting.
Persons: Locations: Transnistrian, Bender, Căușeni district
Ion Duminica: It’s not clear how President – Parliament relationship will develop after electionsIt’s not clear how the President – Parliament relationship will develop after the presidential runoff as none of the two candidates presented a team with which they would work if they are elected President. One should know how to discuss with them, how to promote the message in these communities, but the candidates’ message is geo-political, pro-East or pro-West, against corruption, for “good people,” he stated. Before the runoff, they should have attracted other voters, other sympathizers by political debates where they could have exhibited their charisma, capacities, authority. As to the risk of election rigging in the runoff, Ion Duminica said they have always invoked the risk of fraud in the elections held in Moldova. Ion Duminica called on the media outlets to formulate a common message to the candidates so as to make them understand that the voters in Moldova can be attracted by debates.
Persons: Ion Duminica, , It’s, , it’s, , Maia Sandu, Igor Dodon, destabilization, Hanns Seidel Organizations: Hanns, Hanns Seidel Foundation Locations: IPN’s, Republic of Moldova, Moldova
Prezentatorul Fox News Tucker Carlson a dezvăluit o listă extinsă cu americani morți care au „votat” în ziua alegerilor prezidenţiale din SUA. „Pretextul a fost COVID. Este o urgență de sănătate publică!» Efectul a fost încurajarea fraudei”, a spus Carlson. Echipa lui Trump a susținut că un număr substanțial de buletine de vot au fost exprimate de oameni morți, fiind menţionată Pennsylvania ca exemplu. Recent, echipa de campanie a lui Trump a reușit să determine autoritățile din Georgia să efectueze o renumărare manuală completă a buletinelor de vot.
Persons: Trump, Fox News Tucker Carlson, Tucker Carlson, Evan Kilgore Organizations: Fox News, Sputnik Locations: BUCUREŞTI, SUA, licitat s
Voters urged to report electoral violations
  + stars: | 2020-11-12 | by ( )   time to read: +1 min
Voters urged to report electoral violationsThe voters are strongly advised to be vigilant and to report any electoral violation. The Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT has launched an explanatory video on how an electoral violation can be identified and reported, IPN reports. The video explains that electoral violation is the offering of electoral presents on the eve or even on the election day or the offering of money in exchange for the promise to vote a particular candidate. The voters are urged to film or to photograph the violation with the mobile phone, to visit and push the button “signal violation”, to fill out the form and upload images of the noticed violation. The website was designed with support from Soros Foundation Moldova through the agency of the project “Presidential Elections 2020: informing voter, increasing conscious participation”.
Persons: Organizations: Association for Participatory Democracy, Soros Foundation Moldova
Moldovans in Italy need self-certification form to vote
  + stars: | 2020-11-12 | by ( )   time to read: +1 min
Moldovans in Italy need self-certification form to voteThe Moldovan citizens who will go to vote in the presidential runoff on November 15 at the polling stations established in Italy must have a self-certification form on them. They will be allowed access to the polling station in areas with restricted movement – red zone and orange zone - only based on such a document, IPN reports. Moldova’s Embassy in Italy said the standard self-certification form must contain the personal data, while in the division “situazione di necesita” there should be written “voto Elezioni Presidenziali Moldova-15 novembre” (voting in presidential elections Moldova – November 15). The correctly filled out form is the only document that will allow movement on the election day and the Embassy recommends the Moldovans to make sure that they have such a form. The Moldovans in Italy can vote at one of the 30 polling stations established there for the presidential elections.
Organizations: Moldovan, Moldova’s, Moldova –, Embassy Locations: Italy, Presidenziali Moldova, Moldova
Total: 25