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Vasile Anestiadi s-a născut la 4 mai 1928 în comuna Sărătenii Vechi, județul Orhei. Primele cercetări ştiinţifice efectuate de profesorul Vasile Anestiadi au fost în domeniul patomorfologiei sistemului nervos periferic în tuberculoză. În baza rezultatelor cercetărilor ştiinţifice fundamentale în domeniul patologiei, patobiologiei şi biogerontologiei, şi în special a celor în domeniul aterosclerozei, a fost elaborată teoria aterosclerozei incipiente. Sub conducerea științifică a prof. Vasile Anestiadi au fost pregătiți peste 100 de discipoli – doctori și doctori habilitați în științe medicale. Vasile Anestiadi a fost o personalitate de o înaltă ţinută civică şi verticalitate, un militant activ pentru cauza comună şi idealurile neamului nostru.
Persons: Атеросклероз, Атерогенез
Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Operations Manager, and matrix supervision of the Deputy Resident Representative, the Programme Finance Associate follows up on the execution of programme finance services ensuring effective and transparent utilization and monitoring of financial resources and integrity of financial services. Programme Finance Associate is a member of the Operations Unit and supports the design, planning and management of the country programme by managing data and facilitating programme implementation. The Programme Finance Associate works in close collaboration with the operations, programme and project teams in the CO and UNDP HQs staff for resolving complex programme and finance-related issues and information delivery. Mapping of business processes and elaboration of the content of internal Standard Operating Procedures in the area of responsibility. Monitoring of the Accounts Receivables for UNDP projects and maintenance of the General Ledger.
Given the increase of gas tariffs will lead to subsequent increases of the electricity prices, the entire national economy and population will be affected. The EU has urged Moldova to ensure that the energy sector reform demonstrates full respect of the Energy Community acquis and is in line with the EU Third Energy Package. Under these circumstances the Government of Moldova will be assisted to tackle the current energy crisis and energy poverty, and addressing prioritized systemic elements in the energy sector to cope with potential future energy crisis. The information provided facilitates decision-making of the Programme Board, the Beneficiary and UNDP management. Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Procurement Coordinator and Programme Manager, the incumbent contributes to an effective and efficient implementation of programme objectives through a range of actions contributing to the design, planning, management and monitoring of activities.
The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to the facilitation of the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict by supporting the increase of confidence between Chisinau and Tiraspol through joint initiatives involving local authorities, civil society organizations and other stakeholders from both sides of the river. Special focus will be given to balancing the actual support of the programme to communities on both banks of the Nistru/Dniestr River. Key Results:The key results have a direct impact on the overall successful achievement of the Support to Confidence Building Measures project. The information provided facilitates decision-making of the Project Board, the Beneficiary and UNDP management. The Project Associate applies and promotes the principles of results-based management (RBM), as well as a client-oriented approach consistent with UNDP rules and regulations.
Duties and ResponsibilitiesThe Project Associate will contribute to the implementation of the project through the support he\she will be providing to the Project Manager and the Project Analyst in dealing with administrative and financial aspects of the project implementation. The incumbent will work under guidance and direct supervision of the Project Manager and in close collaboration with the Project Analyst. In addition, the Project Associate will assist Project Manager and the other project personnel within the implementation of the day-to-day activities, as required. Under the direct guidance and supervision of the Project Manager, the Project Associate will ensure the provision of administrative and financial services of the highest quality and standards to the project team, UNDP Country office, as well as to the national counterparts and clients. Institutional ArrangementUnder the guidance and direct supervision of the Project Manager and in close collaboration with the Project Analyst, the incumbent contributes to an effective and efficient implementation of Project through a range of actions contributing to the design, planning, management and monitoring of Project activities.
The third component of the project will also support replication and mainstreaming of the project results. Duties and ResponsibilitiesUnder the guidance and direct supervision of the UNDP Climate Change, Environment and Energy Cluster Lead, and overall guidance of Policy Specialist the incumbent provides effective and efficient management of the project through a range of actions contributing to the design, planning, management and monitoring of project activities. He/she is responsible and accountable to the Project Board for the project results. The Project Manager’s prime responsibility is to ensure that the project produces the results specified in the project document, to the required standard of quality and within the specified constraints of time and cost. Familiarity with and experience on working with the public sector and the local public authorities in Moldova.
The EU has urged Moldova to ensure that the energy sector reform demonstrates full respect of the Energy Community acquis and is in line with the EU Third Energy Package. The EU-UNDP Programme “Addressing the impacts of energy crisis and initiating solutions toward energy security and addressing energy poverty” aims, as an overall objective, to assist the Government of Moldova in tackling the current energy crisis and energy poverty, and addressing prioritized systemic elements in the energy sector to cope with potential future energy crisis. Duties and ResponsibilitiesUnder the guidance and direct supervision of the Climate Change, Environment and Energy Cluster Lead, the incumbent provides effective and efficient coordination of the Addressing the impacts of energy crisis and initiating solutions toward energy security and addressing energy poverty Project, through a range of actions contributing to the design, planning, management and monitoring of project activities. The information provided facilitates decision-making of the Project Board, the Beneficiary and UNDP management. Institutional ArrangementThe Programme Manager will work under the supervision of the Climate Change, Environment and Energy Cluster Clead and will ensure the provision of development services and products commensurate with the scope of the Project and assigned area of responsibility of the highest quality and standards to national and local counterparts and clients through applying HRBA and GE approaches.
The EU4Moldova: focal regions Programme is based on the European Commission Implementing Decision on the Annual Action Programme 2018 in favour of the Republic of Moldova and is funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme. Duties and ResponsibilitiesUnder the guidance and direct supervision of the Project Manager: Business Development, the incumbent contributes to effective and efficient implementation of the EU4Moldova: focal regions Programme. More specifically:Support of Focal Regions Development in the field of investment attraction. Note: The key results have a direct impact on the overall successful achievement of the EU4Moldova: focal regions Programme. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it.
Astfel echipa #diez și-a propus să-și amintească toate flashmoburile care s-au întâmplat în centrul Chișinăului în ultimii 10 ani. Februarie – Harlem ShakeHarlem Shake a fost unul din primele trenduri internaționale adaptate online-ului din Moldova, astfel de la tineri, la ONG-uri, companii sau viitori politicieni au încercat să danseze Harlem Shake. Acţiunea a fost organizată de Primăria Chişinău, împreună cu copiii de la Centrul Republican „Artico”. Manifestarea culturală a fost organizată de Comunitatea Femeilor Ucrainene din Moldova (CFUM), în parteneriat cu Asociația Tineretului Ucrainean „Zlagoda”. Dacă mai aveți informații despre alte flashmoburi care s-au întâmplat în anul 2013, dați-ne de știre.
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Specialiștii noștri sunt foarte atenți la nevoile clienților și au cele mai noi informații privind diferite produse turistice. - Competențele profesionale și cele mai moderne tehnologii, inclusiv inteligența artificială, ne ajută în acest sens. Alex Weinstein s-a născut la Chișinău și a emigrat cu familia sa în Statele Unite ale Americii în anul 1989. La început doar șapte oameni lucrau acolo, dar sediul a evoluat rapid și a necesitat dezvoltare activă" - spune Alex Weinstein. Dyninno FinTech oferă produse și servicii de înaltă tehnologie, moderne, care pot răspunde nevoilor financiare ale clienților persoane fizice și juridice.
Persons: Președintele, Alex Weinstein, Dyninno, Moldovan Organizations: Președintele Consiliului, Apple, Google, Dyninno, International Travel Network Locations: Moldova, Chișinău, Statele Unite ale Americii, San Francisco, Riga, Letonia, Columbia, India, Regatul Unit, Canada, Egipt, Azerbaijan, România, Rusia, Filipine
Офис Dyninno в Кишинёве – один из крупнейших: на площади в 3300 кв.м. В Dyninno считают, что все они могут раскрыть свой потенциал в Dyninno Group, благодаря корпоративной системе обучения, мотивации, управления талантами и международной культуре. У каждого сотрудника есть четкий карьерный план, возможность переехать и работать в любом офис компании за рубежом. В Dyninno Group поддерживают активное взаимодействие и командную работу. Сегодня молдавский офис Dyninno Group обслуживает все три направления деятельности компании:Dyninno Travel , представленное International Travel Network Corporation под зарегистрированным товарным знаком «ASAP Tickets».
Persons: —, Dyninno, Dyninno FinTech, Dyninno EnterTech, Алекс Вайнштейн, Алекс Organizations: Google, Dyninno, SAP SuccessFactors, Travel Network Corporation, Moldova IT, Наблюдательный совет Locations: , Moldova, СанФранциско, Молдова, Северная Америка, Кишинев, США, Рига, Латвия, Колумбия, Индия, Великобритания, Канада, Египет, Азербайджан, Румыния, Россия, Филиппины
Societatea Inginerilor de Automobile din România – SIAR organizează în toamna anului 2021 a XXXI-a ediție a Congresului Internaţional de Inginerie a Autovehiculelor şi Transporturilor cu tema principală „Automotive and Integrated Transport Systems – AITS 2021”. Atribuirea responsabilităţii organizării congresului internaţional anual al SIAR de inginerie a autovehiculelor şi transporturilor Filialei SIAR din cadrul Universităţii Tehnice a Moldovei din Chișinău a fost hotărâtă de Adunarea Generală a SIAR ce a avut loc la Universitatea din Craiova în data de 23 octombrie 2019. În cadrul aceloraşi lucrări, Adunarea Generală a hotărât ca organizarea ediţiei din anul 2021 a Congresului SIAR să fie atribuită filialei SIAR din cadrul Universităţii Politehnica din Timișoara. Ulterior, urmare a situației sanitare generate de epidemia COVID-19, Consiliul Director al SIAR a decis amânarea cu câte un an a celor două congrese, decizie confirmată de Adunarea Generală SIAR din 17 decembrie 2020. Constantin Ghiulai cu cele două secţiuni: „Dinamica autovehiculelor – ediţia a VII-a” și „Automotive CAD – CATIA – ediţia a XIV-a”.
Persons: Green, ., Constantin Ghiulai Organizations: Inginerilor, Automobile, Congresului, Transporturilor, Automotive Technology, Universității Tehnice, Moldovei, Universităţii, Adunarea Generală, Universitatea din, Universităţii Politehnica din, Adunarea, Congresul, UTM Locations: România, Automotive Technology and, Chișinău, Universitatea din Craiova, SIAR, Universităţii Politehnica din Timișoara
Duties and Responsibilities Summary of Key Functions: Develops programme strategies in the thematic area of Effective Governance and its sub-areas. Ensures effective management and implementation of Effective Governance country programme portfolio and management of the Effective Governance Cluster team. CO business processes mapping and establishment of internal Standard Operating Procedures in Results Management, control of the workflows in the Effective Governance Cluster. Ensures effective management and implementation of Effective Governance country programme portfolio and management of the Effective Governance Cluster team, focusing on the following results: Design and formulation of country programme within thematic areas of responsibility, translating UNDP corporate priorities into local interventions. Constant monitoring and analysis of the country programme environment, timely re-adjustment of programme.
Organizations: Senior Management, UNDP, UN, Sustainable, Office, Government, UNPFSD, Management, Organization, Atlas, Financial, UNDP Country Office, Global, Administration, Economics, Law, Political Sciences, Social Sciences Locations: South, UNPFSD, Moldova, Republic of Moldova
The Communication and Media Officer in close cooperation with the project team, under the direct guidance and supervision of the Programme Manager, will ensure the provision of development services and products (commensurate with the scope of the Programme) of the highest quality and standards to national counterparts and clients through applying HRBA and GE approaches. More specifically: Develop a media and awareness raising strategy and take the lead on its implementation in close partnership with UNDP and EU Delegation media specialists;Identify and cultivate key contacts in both the print and the broadcast media on both banks of the Nistru/Dniestr River;Develop a professional media package to provide background information about the project, and establish processes for: (i) regular communication with media contacts; (ii) regular production of press releases; (iii) advising and assisting EU CBM Programme partners in managing local media interest at the community level;Undertake continuous monitoring of the impacts of the media strategy through both a media log and a log of enquiries arising from media exposure;Elaborate, implement and continuously monitor a communication and visibility plan in promotion of the visibility of project results including appropriate feedback mechanisms and monitoring tools;Deliver concrete visibility promotion activities as identified in the plan;Identify appropriate suppliers for the provision of goods and services for EU CBM Programme activities under the communication plan;Write TORs for short-term experts to be hired in implementing activities related to communication and visibility;Lead, coordinate work of, and evaluate project consultants working on EU CBM Programme activities related to communication and visibility;Develop concepts of various communication products such as TV programmes, publications and other promotional and information materials;Write stories, press releases, blog posts and news about the projects’ most important achievements to be placed in the national media as well as in the local and regional websites;Ensure compliance with all corporate rules and regulations of EU and UNDP in the field of communication and visibility promotion and reporting, specifically the Joint Visibility Guidelines for EC-UN Actions in the field; produce relevant reports according to the rules and procedures of EU and UNDP;Respond to queries from the Government, UNDP and EU with respect to communication and visibility aspects of the project;Prepare periodical reports on communication/media activities and expenses;Provide technical assistance to project beneficiaries and when necessary, travel for control and monitoring purposes to EU CBM field projects;Undertake any other related tasks requested on an ad hoc basis. Key Results:The key results have a direct impact on the overall successful achievement of the Support to Confidence Building Measures Programme. Accurate analysis and presentation of information enhances UNDP’s position as a strong development partner. The information provided facilitates decision-making of the Project Board, the Beneficiary and UNDP management.
Organizations: Media, GE, UNDP, EU Delegation, EU, EU CBM, EC, UN, Government, CBM, Project Board
The EU and the “changing” Eastern neighborhood - between “post-factum diplomacy” and realpolitik, Analysis by Dionis CenușăOp-EdThe diversity of realities in Eastern Europe requires from the EU a "differentiated diplomacy" which emerges from the dynamics of local and external factors, dominant in the region ...Dionis Cenuşa, Senior ContributorThe European strategy for the Eastern Neighborhood is losing ground to the ever-changing reality. It is these shortcomings that define European diplomacy of post-factum, which remains relevant in 2020. First of all, Russia has structural levers that can influence the situation on the ground in the Eastern Partnership states. Instead, the emphasis of Westerners is on calming the political situation, without encouraging the opposition to annul the results of the parliamentary elections. Dionis Cenuşa, Senior Contributor Dionis Cenuşa, Senior ContributorAreas of research: European Neighborhood Policy, EU-Moldova relationship, EU's foreign policy and Russia, migration and energy security.
Persons: Cenușă, Dionis Cenuşa, Volodymyr Zelensky, Zelensky, Maia Sandu's, Fiasco, Igor Dodon, Maia Sandu, Vladimir Putin, oligarch Bidzina, Ivanishvili, Nikol, , Ilham Aliyev's, Alexander Lukashenko, Lukashenko, Hanns Seidel Organizations: EU, European People's Party, Social Democrats, Eastern Partnership, Eastern, Constitutional, Socialist, OSCE, Moldovan, Russian, Hanns Seidel Foundation, IPN Press Agency, Policy, Institute of Political Sciences, Liebig, Justus University, College of Europe, Twitter Locations: Eastern Europe, EU, Belarus, Nagorno, Karabakh, Brussels, Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Russian, Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Chisinau, Moldovan, Turkey, South Caucasus, Yerevan, Moscow, Baku, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Iran, Ankara, Minsk, Belarusian, Giessen, Germany
After investiture of President, PDM will withdraw its representatives from CabinetAfter the President is invested, the Democratic Party of Moldova (PDM) will withdraw its representatives from the Cabinet, the party’s president Pavel Filip stated after the joint meeting of the PDM Executive Bureau and heads of the party’s local organizations, IPN reports. In a press briefing, Pavel Filip said they adopted a declaration of the party. “The PDM decided to withdraw its representatives from the Cabinet, immediately after the investiture of the elected President, so as to offer this the possibility of building efficient cooperation relations with the legislature and the executive, in accordance with the constitutional provisions and the citizens’ vote,” he stated. The president of the PDM reiterated that the party’s member subscribe to the European and Social-Democratic values. As to the presidential runoff, the politician said the PDM remains neutral and urges its members and supporters to vote according to the values they embrace.
Persons: Pavel Filip, Organizations: Democratic Party of Moldova, Cabinet, PDM, Social
Total: 18