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18 mentions found Version:RFQ # UCRMD/ITB/FY23/0013World Vision Moldova (WVM) is inviting potential service providers/suppliers to supply Winterization Kits and we are seeking opportunity for long-term framework agreement for yearly humanitarian supplies. Duration of Award Initially 1 year and further extension 1 year (subject to WVM approval)To submit your quotation, please ensure to follow the steps below and documents. For additional information regarding please write email e-mail or call to +373 60152817 Payment for the services shall be made 14 days after delivery of goods or performance of service. Bids must remain valid and open for consideration for a period of no less than 60 days. RFQ should be sent in email address mentioning the sub “Quotation for Winterization Kits”.
Persons: WVM, WVI, Duly, price, Christian Organizations: Vision, World Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Tender, Chain Management Unit World Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, World Vision Moldova, Hence, inflation, families
Servicii de transport (arendarea automobilelor, camioanelor și a altor vehicule, vânzarea biletelor de avion)Servicii de curierat internațional și naționalProvizii de ajutor (prelate, pleduri de lână, frânghii, surse luminoase de urgență, etc.) Astfel de invitație va depinde de evaluarea WVM a experienței companiei, abilității sale de a furniza/efectua, solidaritatea financiară, precum și de relevanța bunurilor sau serviciilor oferite. World Vision slujește toate persoanele, indiferent de religie, rasă, etnie sau gen. Version:Time Extended:Invitation for Application for Supplier Roster with World Vision Moldova. Hotel Service (For residential workshops, accommodation and one day seminars)Contractors for construction works, and repair, building maintenance and repair,Boreholes,Pond construction. Consultancy services to conduct end line, mid-line, base-line surveys, research works etc.
Persons: Submitting, Christian Organizations: World Vision Moldova, Vision, tender, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, future, Laptops, letterhead, supply, Table, chairs, repair, Boreholes, facilitators, families
RO Version:Extinderea perioadei de aplicare31 octombrie, ora 17.00RFQ # UCRMD/ITB/FY23/0011Invitație pentru prezentarea ofertei pentru Kit Educational” (rechizite scolare) . Duration of Award Initially 1 year and further extension 1 year (subject to WVM approval)To submit your quotation, please ensure to follow the steps below and documents. For additional information regarding please write email e-mail or call to +373 60152817 Payment for the services shall be made 14 days after delivery of goods or performance of service. Bids must remain valid and open for consideration for a period of no less than 60 days. RFQ should be sent in email address mentioning the sub “Quotation for Educational Kits”.
Persons: WVM, WVI, Duly, price, Christian Organizations: Vision, World Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Tender, Chain Management Unit World Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, World Vision Moldova, Hence, inflation, families
Servicii de transport (arendarea automobilelor, camioanelor și a altor vehicule, vânzarea biletelor de avion)Servicii de curierat internațional și naționalProvizii de ajutor (prelate, pleduri de lână, frânghii, surse luminoase de urgență, etc.) Astfel de invitație va depinde de evaluarea WVM a experienței companiei, abilității sale de a furniza/efectua, solidaritatea financiară, precum și de relevanța bunurilor sau serviciilor oferite. Kindly respond to this advertisement in order to be listed as qualified supplier to participate in tender process conduct by WVM in future. Hotel Service (For residential workshops, accommodation and one day seminars)Contractors for construction works, and repair, building maintenance and repair,Boreholes,Pond construction. Consultancy services to conduct end line, mid-line, base-line surveys, research works etc.
Persons: Submitting, Christian Organizations: Vision, tender, tender ., Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, future, Laptops, letterhead, supply, Table, chairs, repair, Boreholes, facilitators, families VersionREQUEST FOR QUOTATION FOR WINTERIZATION KITSRFQ # UCRMD/ITB/FY23/0012World Vision Moldova (WVM) is inviting potential service providers/suppliers to supply Winterization Kits and we are seeking opportunity for long-term framework agreement for yearly humanitarian supplies. Duration of Award Initially 1 year and further extension 1 year (subject to WVM approval)To submit your quotation, please ensure to follow the steps below and documents. For additional information regarding please write email e-mail or call to +373 60152817 Payment for the services shall be made 14 days after delivery of goods or performance of service. Bids must remain valid and open for consideration for a period of no less than 60 days. RFQ should be sent in email address mentioning the sub “Quotation for Winterization Kits”.
Persons: WVM, WVI, Duly, price, Christian Organizations: Vision, World Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Tender, Chain Management Unit World Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, World Vision Moldova, Hence, inflation, families VersionREQUEST FOR QUOTATION FOREDUCATIONAL KITSRFQ # UCRMD/ITB/FY23/0011World Vision Moldova (WVM) is inviting potential service providers/suppliers to supply Educational Kits and we are seeking opportunity for long-term framework agreement for yearly humanitarian supplies. Duration of Award Initially 1 year and further extension 1 year (subject to WVM approval)To submit your quotation, please ensure to follow the steps below and documents. For additional information regarding please write email e-mail or call to +373 60152817 Payment for the services shall be made 14 days after delivery of goods or performance of service. Bids must remain valid and open for consideration for a period of no less than 60 days. RFQ should be sent in email address mentioning the sub “Quotation for Educational Kits”.
Persons: WVM, WVI, Duly, price, Christian Organizations: Vision, World Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Tender, Chain Management Unit World Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, World Vision Moldova, Hence, inflation, families FOR QUOTATION FOR SCHOOL FURNITURERFQ # UCRMD/ITB/FY23/0010World Vision Moldova (WVM) is inviting potential service providers/suppliers to supply School Furniture and we are seeking opportunity for long-term framework agreement for yearly humanitarian supplies. For additional information regarding please write email e-mail info_wvmoldova@wvi.orgor call to +373 60152817 Payment for the services shall be made 14 days after delivery of goods or performance of service. Bids must remain valid and open for consideration for a period of no less than 60 days. WVM will provide written confirmation through a purchase order to the selected/awarded supplier RFQ should be sent in email address mentioning the sub “Quotation for School Furniture”. Supply Chain Management UnitWorld Vision MoldovaWorld Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice.
Persons: WVM, WVI, Duly, price, Christian Organizations: Vision, World Vision Moldova World Vision, World Vision, Tender, Chain Management Unit World Vision Moldova, World Locations: Vision Moldova, World Vision Moldova, Hence, inflation, families
Inclusion of refugees from conflict zone towns/orphans/no current source of income and other vulnerable groups in the programme. Other attachments : please include with the application, in a PDF: the registration certificates of the non-profit legal entity and the Statute of the organization. : please include with the application, in a PDF: the registration certificates of the non-profit legal entity and the Statute of the organization. Please fill in the form and the detailed description of activities, respecting the word limit. There is no limit to the number of activities, but one of the criteria is the effectiveness of the proposed plan in achieving the set objectives.
Persons: Christian Aid, Stefan Voda, Ineligible, Christian Organizations: Общественные группы/, НПОВведениеФонд, НПО, Статут Locations: Moldova, Chisinau, Ialoveni, pillows, managing, monitoring and, partnership, Ucraina, Republica Moldova, Chișinău, Căușeni, Ștefan Vodă, Sîngerei, Украина, Молдова, Муниципалитет Кишинэу, Яловенский район, Кэушеньский район, Штефан Водэ, Сынжерейский район
Inclusion of refugees from conflict zone towns/orphans/no current source of income and other vulnerable groups in the programme. Other attachments : please include with the application, in a PDF: the registration certificates of the non-profit legal entity and the Statute of the organization. : please include with the application, in a PDF: the registration certificates of the non-profit legal entity and the Statute of the organization. Please fill in the form and the detailed description of activities, respecting the word limit. There is no limit to the number of activities, but one of the criteria is the effectiveness of the proposed plan in achieving the set objectives.
Persons: Christian Aid, Stefan Voda, Ineligible, Christian Organizations: Общественные группы/, НПОВведениеФонд, НПО, Статут Locations: Moldova, Chisinau, Ialoveni, pillows, managing, monitoring and, partnership, Ucraina, Republica Moldova, Chișinău, Căușeni, Ștefan Vodă, Sîngerei, Украина, Молдова, Муниципалитет Кишинэу, Яловенский район, Кэушеньский район, Штефан Водэ, Сынжерейский район
Given the increase of gas tariffs will lead to subsequent increases of the electricity prices, the entire national economy and population will be affected. The EU has urged Moldova to ensure that the energy sector reform demonstrates full respect of the Energy Community acquis and is in line with the EU Third Energy Package. Under these circumstances the Government of Moldova will be assisted to tackle the current energy crisis and energy poverty, and addressing prioritized systemic elements in the energy sector to cope with potential future energy crisis. The information provided facilitates decision-making of the Programme Board, the Beneficiary and UNDP management. Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Procurement Coordinator and Programme Manager, the incumbent contributes to an effective and efficient implementation of programme objectives through a range of actions contributing to the design, planning, management and monitoring of activities.
As a result, there is continuous degradation and loss of fertile land and biodiversity and air and water pollution from point and non-point sources due to high motorization and dumping of waste and chemicals. Moreover, rural poor have limited knowledge regarding the sustainable and environment-friendly agricultural and forestry practices that would increase adaptation and resilience capacities of communities and ecosystems. The second outcome will capacitate NGOs to provide expertise to LPAs and women in the field of resilience to climate change, sustainable development and gender mainstreaming. Institutional ArrangementDirect supervisor: Project ManagerUnder the guidance and direct supervision of the Project Manager and overall guidance of the Programme Analyst, the incumbent assists in the effective management of the project through a range of actions contributing to the design, planning, management and monitoring of project activities. • Experience to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, to obtain, evaluate and interpret factual data and to prepare accurate and complete reports and other documents.
(foto) Cine și-a lăsat semnătura pe cea mai scumpă chitară din lume și care este valoarea acesteiaTot mai des puteți observa seara pe străzile din capitală sau poate prin parcuri – tineri care interpretează piese la chitară. După ce Beatles au susținut un concert în 1963, chitara a reușit cumva să dispară și a fost presupusă pierdută, dar a reapărut câțiva ani mai târziu. Fender Stratocaster „Reach Out To Asia”Titlul de cea mai scumpă chitară din lume îi revine lui Fender Stratocaster „Reach Out To Asia”, care s-a vândut cu 2,7 milioane de dolari în 2015. Această chitară a fost rezultatul proiectului „Reach Out To Asia” al lui Bryan Adams, care a fost creat pentru a ajuta victimele cutremurului și tsunamiului din Oceanul Indian din 2004. „Reach Out To Asia” s-a vândut la licitație în 2015, de către Sotheby’s, pentru 2,7 milioane de dolari – devenind cea mai scumpă chitară din istorie!
The EU has urged Moldova to ensure that the energy sector reform demonstrates full respect of the Energy Community acquis and is in line with the EU Third Energy Package. The EU-UNDP Programme “Addressing the impacts of energy crisis and initiating solutions toward energy security and addressing energy poverty” aims, as an overall objective, to assist the Government of Moldova in tackling the current energy crisis and energy poverty, and addressing prioritized systemic elements in the energy sector to cope with potential future energy crisis. Duties and ResponsibilitiesUnder the guidance and direct supervision of the Climate Change, Environment and Energy Cluster Lead, the incumbent provides effective and efficient coordination of the Addressing the impacts of energy crisis and initiating solutions toward energy security and addressing energy poverty Project, through a range of actions contributing to the design, planning, management and monitoring of project activities. The information provided facilitates decision-making of the Project Board, the Beneficiary and UNDP management. Institutional ArrangementThe Programme Manager will work under the supervision of the Climate Change, Environment and Energy Cluster Clead and will ensure the provision of development services and products commensurate with the scope of the Project and assigned area of responsibility of the highest quality and standards to national and local counterparts and clients through applying HRBA and GE approaches.
«‎На карту поставлено так много, что нам действительно необходимо найти решения по войнам и конфликтам. Extreme wealth and extreme poverty have increased simultaneously for the first time in 25 years. Согласно докладу, ежедневно каждый десятый человек в мире голодает на фоне кризиса стоимости жизни. Кризис стоимости жизни, представляет собой общий знаменатель энергокризиса, инфляционного роста и усложнения распространения продовольствия в мире. При этом 84% этой прибыли было выплачено акционерам, а повышение цен было переложено на потребителей.
Persons: Берге Бренде, Светлана Гриценко Organizations: Фонд Виктора Пинчука, Украинский дом Давос, ВЭФ Locations: Давос, Россия, Украина
Sursa foto: APMarea Britanie: Instituţii și magazine, ocupate în semn de protest față de creşterea facturilor la energieMilitanţi ai mai multor grupuri ale societăţii civile au ocupat instituţii, sedii de societăţi energetice şi magazine din Marea Britanie, în semn de protest împotriva creşterii facturilor la energie, relatează dpa și Agerpres. Potrivit mişcărilor Don't Pay UK şi Fuel Poverty Action, militanţi ai lor s-au instalat de dimineaţă cu pături, saci de dormit şi sticle cu apă caldă în holul companiei energetice Scottish Power din Glasgow, o altă demonstraţie fiind prevăzută să aibă loc mai târziu în cursul zilei la British Museum din centrul Londrei şi care este sponsorizat de British Petroleum. Un al treilea grup se pregătea să ocupe centrul comercial Westfield din Stratford, în estul Londrei, iar alte proteste mai erau prevăzute la un centru comercial din Manchester, precum şi la Liverpool, Brighton şi Bristol. Grupurile de protest cer guvernului să ia imediat măsuri în ce priveşte criza energiei şi a costului vieţii prin introducerea Energiei pentru toţi (Energy for All), definită ca o cantitate de energie "universală şi gratuită care să acopere necesităţile oamenilor" şi care poate fi suportată de stat prin "încetarea subvenţionării din banii contribuabililor a combustibililor fosili, o taxă excepţională mai eficientă aplicată companiilor energetice şi tarife mai mari pentru consumul energetic al locuinţelor de lux". "Oamenii obişnuiţi nu mai pot continua să plătească factura crizelor create de cei bogaţi, e timpul ca marii poluatori şi profitorii să-şi achite partea", a spus Stuart Bretherton, coordonatorul campaniei Fuel Poverty Action.
„Acum avem semnale că am primit undă verde pentru a putea continua şi vom contacta şi alte părţi. China şi-a exprimat interesul de a participa şi mă aştept ca şi alte economii emergente cu fundamente solide şi rezerve puternice să poată face acelaşi lucru”, a spus Kristalina Georgieva, la finalul summitului liderilor G7. Georgieva a salutat de asemenea angajamentul G7 de a dona un miliard de vaccinuri Covid-19 drept un pas important spre combaterea pandemiei, adăugând că discuţiile vor continua în cadrul G20. „Acesta este atât un imperativ moral, cât şi o necesitate economică. Am văzut în trecut că această divergenţă duce la mai multă inegalitate, creează un mediu pentru mai multă instabilitate în lume”, a spus directorul FMI.
Persons: Georgieva, FMI . Georgieva Organizations: FMI, G7, Monetar Internaţional, G20 Locations: China, FMI
The High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell at the EP plenary on the implementation of the EU Association Agreement:„Thank you Mr President, Honourable Members of the European Parliament and Mr Rapporteur [Dragoș Tudorache]. These values are at the core of the objective of political association and economic integration of the Republic of Moldova with the European Union. The Presidential elections on 1 November will be a crucial juncture in our partnership. As the report highlights, these elections will be a test for democracy and the rule of law in the country. This is the purpose of our Association Agreement and I am very happy to participate in the presentation of your report.
Persons: Josep Borrell, Organizations: Representative, EU, Moldova, European Union, Moldovan, OSCE, National Bank of Moldova, European, Free Trade Area, Enterprises, Coronavirus Locations: EU, Republic of Moldova, Moldova, European Union
Lista de lecturi recomandată de către Lev Tolstoi pentru diferite categorii de vârstăDupă ce a împlinit 50 de ani, Lev Tolstoi a început să caute sensul vieții și a început să citească foarte mult. Potrivit Brain Pickings, Tolstoi a clasat lucrările în trei categorii: Bune (B), Foarte Bune (FB) și Extrem de Bune (EB). The Gospel of Matthew: „Sermon on the Mount”#EB. The Symposium and The Phaedo de Plato#FB. The Lalita-Vistara: Or Memoirs Of The Early Life Of Sakya Sinha de Rajendralala Mitra#FB.
Persons: Lev Tolstoi, Foarte Bune, și, Bune, Ali, Baba și, Prințul, Pușkin, Napoleon, Iosif din, Dobrînia Nikitich, Ilia Muromeț, Mexico de William Prescott, Nikolai Gogol, Laurence Sterne, Mikhail Lermontov, Anton de Dmitry Grigorovich, Polinka Saks, Aleksandr Druzhinin, Ivan Turgenev, Räuber, Friedrich Schiller, Yevgeny Onegin de Alexander Pushkin, Julie, de Jean, Jacques Rousseau, Matthew, , Jean Jacques, Rousseau, EB, Emile, Education de Jean Jacques, David Copperfield, Charles Dickens Tinerii, Odiseea, Homer, Plato, Hermann, Dorothea de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Dame de Paris, Dame de Paris de Victor Hugo, persoanele, Nuvele de Henry Wood, Nuvele de George Eliot, Nuvele de Anthony Trollope, Xenophon’s, Mizerabilii de Victor Hugo, Theodore Parker, Henry George, FB, de Ludwig Feuerbach, Pensées, Blaise Pascal, Confucius, Lalita, Sakya Sinha de Rajendralala Mitra, Tzu Organizations: Povestea, Education de, Notre, Dame, Dame de Paris de Locations: vârsta, Mexico,
Total: 18